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7A Hardy Fragrant Roses

I am relatively inexperienced with gardening and especially with roses. The thorns, maintenance and sparse looking plants had put me off. However I still love them and want to finally bite the bullet and try them in my garden.
My wish list is probably unfairly long but I really want to zoom in on good plants for my needs. I am in Boise Idaho, which is a relatively good rose growing area with minimal blackspot and japanese beetles etc. The big thing is wide daily temperature swings and heat/drought tolerance. Within a hours drive we have 7b-6a conditions but my exact area looks to be a 7a. Highs are usually around 105 F during the summer.

My wish list:
1. Extremely Fragrant - can smell from 30' away in the evening ideally. I want for it to compliment the summer evening BBQ. Would rather not have to stick my nose in it to enjoy it.
2. Prolific blooms/reblooms. Ideally I want to have a lot of something going on all the time for blooms and scent. If it has enough reblooms I can do without long lasting individual flowers. I don't really plan on using them as cut roses but consider it a perk.
3. Decent petal count and size.
4. Thick/bushy plant. When its not in bloom I don't want to think it is a hideous eyesore. Would prefer they are not armed to the hilt with thorns.
5. Hardy/low maintenance. My area can be a little harsh for conditions. I don't mind doing yearly pruning and spraying a few times on an as-needed basis, but I don't want to be chained to my garden. Maybe an hour or 2 a month of fussing outside of normal watering.

I have made a short list of roses on my buy list, but since I don't have tons of space and plan to keep these things forever I would rather jump straight to satisfaction in 3 years of growing.

1. Red - Mr. Lincoln/Crysler Imperial
2. White - Pope John Paul II
3. Bicolor - Double Delight
4. Yellow - Honey Bouquet/Julia Childs
5. Bicolor - Elle/Sheila's Perfume

I really only have room for 5-7 plants total. I would like a more pastel pink flower too but haven't found one yet in my research.

Basically I am looking to confirm that these plants will fit my bill collectively (something going on all the time) and individually (the individual plant reblooms and looks attractive as a bush etc).

I don't mind losing a little of one thing to gain a great deal in another so if you have a substitute or a preference between the 2 in my catagories let me know.

I am really big on reblooms but am going for roses for the fragrance versus other blooming plants. Have encore azaleas, bloomerang lilac, everlasting hydrangea, lil-kim rose of sharon and satin azure rose of sharon back there now.

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