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'Picture-perfect' roses


I seem to be unique here as I place the flower 'form' of a rose and its ability to maintain that lasting 'perfect' form, above all the other qualities like 'fragrance', 'disease-resistance', or 'color'.


I'm looking for roses which exhibit the flower form above (high-centered; petal edges assuming a 'triangular' form.) The rose should maintain the form for the longest time even when the flower has already aged. It shouldn't collapse and flatten out. It shouldn't expose the stamens eagerly even as it ages. Also, it shouldn't rapidly detach petals and should hold on to them for the longest time. The flower color should stay fairly constant before gradually fading uniformly. (I don't like spotty fading.)

Any suggestions? Which red, deep red, pink, yellow, and orange roses are the *best* when it comes to this 'form' criteria and ability to retain it? I'm looking into roses with larger blooms, 30+ petals, and which are repeat-blooming.

I find it difficult to rely on '' photos as roses are usually captured on camera while they are at their best form. (What looks 'beautiful' on photo may actually only look so for a very short period of time. Many 'beautiful' roses rapidly become bald and ugly in a few days even with little rain.)

Thanks in advance.


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