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Grandmother's Hat Does NOT Like My Heat

I'm sorry to say that she's one of the worst roses in my garden for crisping in the heat. Today it was about 95 degrees with less than 15% humidity so it was a good test for all the roses and some of them actually did fairly well. Not Grandmother's Hat, however. Every single bloom was crisped to the max and I'm wondering now whether this rose is right for my situation. The bush itself is thriving, but one of my goals is to have only roses that can stand up to my conditions, even in the summer. Le Vesuve, Westside Road Cream Tea, Cottage Rose, Mr. Bluebird, The Fawn, Mme. Cornelissen, Aunt Margy's Rose and others are still pretty to look at, even if not at their peak.

I wondered if anyone else is growing GH in a hot, dry environment and if their experience is similar to mine or different.


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