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Chelone (turtlehead)

mxk3 z5b_MI
14 years ago

Anyone grow the white cultivar of Chelone? I picked it up on the clearance rack last fall and don't have the tag with the cultivar name, but I don't think there are many white turtlehead cultivars - ?

Anyway, I'm wondering if it is common for the white variety to flop. I have a large stand of "Hot Lips", and they never flop, the stems are always sturdy and upright even when in full bloom, even after a rain.

However, these white ones are flopping like crazy; actually, I don't think there were two upright stems out of three small plants all summer. Location is part-shade, average soil tending toward being a little on the dry side, planted near Solomon's seal, hydrangea, and a mish-mash of other shade tolerants.

Thanks for any input :0)

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