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You know you're serious about your trees when......

You get home at 11:00 PM and head out to water the new transplants. Difficult on an overcast night with no moon lol.

Been three days w/o rain and upper 90's (100 today!) so I gave a gallon a piece to this year's plantings.

Doing well in shade are some viburnums and a coral bark maple (fire something).

Doing well in the sun are the the Cornus contrversa, Metasequoia Glyptostroboides Ogdon (aka Gold Rush), A.p. Purple Ghost, and A.p. Higasayama.

Doing ok in part sun is Acer griseum Paperbark Maple.

My Fagus sylvatica Purpurea Tricolor(rose-marg.)var.beech is getting FRIED the last week or so. During last year's normal to damp and mild summer it did great. Now this summer has had a string of 90 degree days its suffering!

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