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September gardening projects/chores

The weather has been pretty nice here in SC lately so I have been digging up, moving, and dividing plants. Unfortunately some of my tall bearded irises have rotted but I guess it's not a terrible loss because there are still plenty left and they need to be replanted in a sunnier location anyway.

The bottom of a planter was falling off so I had to empty it's contents which were mostly muscari bulbs. They are waiting to be replanted once the planter is fixed.

A chore I have been putting off is replanting the 200+ daffodils because I am having trouble finding good spots for them. Last year I planted them in front of the fence next to the sidewalk but then dug them up in spring to replant the area with annuals.

Daylilies I bought recently at the regional plant sale found a home after I pulled out the marigold plants. I figured they will be history in another month or so anyway.

Is anyone else pulling out annuals to make room for perennials that otherwise have nowhere to go? Is anyone having trouble finding just the right spots for all those spring bulbs? Are you inter planting daffs with perennials or do they have their own areas? Would it be a good idea to plant them at the very front of the border in each flower bed right inside the decorative fence, or would that look wierd?

I'm trying to avoid digging into bulbs every time I plant something new and marking every area that has bulbs wont work either because the tags would be everywhere.

Someone please tell me I'm not the only one with this problem!

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