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Morgan's Festival - or not?

I was doing some watering and grooming tonight on my stand when I picked up a small plant of Morgan's Festival and in tilting the little pot and looking the plant over carefully, I noticed something odd about the leaves. At first glance (with my bifocals) I thought I was seeing suckers - but they were all over the place. Holding it closer I realized I was seeing something I have only seen before in photos: baby bustle back leaves!! I checked its sibling plant and it was the same - definitely bustle backed. Now I knew that the description I had in my spreadsheet said nothing about bustle back leaves on this AV so I did some exploring and also found on Bloomlover's website (the origin of the mama leaf I bought) another Morgan's AV called Morgan's Muskaan. Both have similar wasp flowers, white and purple so even though I've not seen the little plants bloom yet that won't be a clue to their identity. But only the description for M.'s Muskaan mentions b.b. leaves.
Does anyone grow either of these? I'm kind of excited to find that I have something in my collection that I didn't have before and since I don't show my AV's, I'm not concerned about being positive of the ID but all the same I'd like to know if Festival ever has BB leaves or if it's more likely I got a mis-ID'd leaf and possibly have Muskaan. What do you think?

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