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Combination pics for late summer 2014

As I recall we usually have thread(s) with wonderful pictures showing multiple flowers and foliage in GW members gardens. Did this already happen for earlier in the summer? (I did a search but I didn't see anything).

Here is a combination I noticed this morning in a part shade section of our garden.

- a flowerless "Blushing Bride" hydrangea :( on the bottom left
- an in bloom "Fire and Ice" (or is it "Quickfire"?) hydrangea
- a bit of thalictrum "Splendide" (in front of F&I)
- at the very back (top left corner) you see one or two 'pompom' like blooms of a "Lucy" tree standard hardy hibiscus
- Anemone "Honorine Jobert" just starting
- a very long blooming "Polish Spirit" clematis on the chain link fence
- my favorite Persicaria "Golden Arrow" dominating the center

I await your August pictures.

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