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The Perfect Storm

This first day or summer, Solstice Morning, it was grey, and muggy, and windless; a sultry morning. The woman I love is on the West Coast visiting family, a new grandson has just arrived. So I am home alone except for two cats, and have been so for more than a week. Perhaps understandably, I am a bit maudlin and feeling a wee bit contemplative. Tonight the forces of nature caught my attention and prompted me to write this post. Please forgive me for this crude attempt at philosophical prose.

My roses, as though celebrating the Solstice are all a-bud and many new blooms open daily. The spring rose flush comes over a period of weeks here in the north. No wealth of bloom riches, but an abundance of individual roses and blooms providing me with a very satisfactory stock of colour, form and fragrance.

I spent the morning wandering my garden, sipping my coffee, laced with Maple Syrup, cutting blooms and arranging posies in the house. Quiet time, contemplative time, garden time. The cats liked it too.

This afternoon I was invited to a friend's home for a pool party and pot luck dinner. Good times, though these are all friends with whom I run and ski and cycle, not a gardener amongst them. It was a good day, quiet morning, social afternoon and then home just before dusk.

Of course I went out to the garden this evening, myself and the cats. We wandered and strolled, the cats patrolled. Peaceful, fragrant, a secret garden all our own. But as we went, we could see the dark clouds rolling in from the west and then hear the distant roll of thunder.

Next a breeze stirred the hot, sultry air. A cool breeze rustling the leaves of the big Maple trees and gradually getting stronger. An occasional drop of rain, intensifying wind and the flash of lightning in the distance. I called to the cats and we made our way to the big covered deck at the front of the house. The skies grew darker, the wind and rain increased, and then it was upon us; a summer storm, relief from the sultry heat, ten minutes of thunder, lightning, cool wind and blessed rain. A gift from God!

As quickly as it started, it began to move on, a glimpse of lighter skies in the dusky western evening sky and then ragged breaks in the dark clouds. Still, the lightning flashed and the thunder rolled as the storm moved steadily to the East. But it was a perfect storm! Vigorous, but not harsh, brief, a blessed rain and a glorious show of lightning and thunder. The kind of storm one welcomes, rather than fears. And now it is gone. I know my garden and my roses will be all the better for it.

Weather is still a force of nature far beyond human control, it humbles us and can make even jaded city folk pay attention to the fact that we are small and insignificant in the great scheme of things. We hear in our technological world every day of storms that destroy. But never do we hear of the storms that bring a welcome breeze to cool us, soft rain to sustain us and the gentle reminder that we are not separate from the non-human world around us.

I am so thankful for the return of the rains and the thunder storms that are the norm in this place. Two years of heat and drought are over. Life goes on.

Cheers, RRL

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