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Flower carpet roses

16 years ago

I noticed a mention in the Chicago Tribune this weekend of flower carpet roses. The blurb was basically "these are awesome and no maintenance roses." Heh. Anyway, the "carpet rose" thing seemed funny, since the roses in the pic were very tall.

I do a little web research and I find several articles basically saying the same thing, talking about their origin, the different colors, etc.

I start looking around online catalogs and can't find them.

So what's the deal - you have to look for particular names? Are they really just a different name for a shrub rose?

I've got a spot along a chain link fence I'm considering for a rose bush. Sure, it's another spot I'd have to haul water over to, but a rose would look great there. I think it'll have enough sun if I remove a bushie-weed that's there.

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