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Summer Solstice Week Roses in Zone 4b

Well time to come out of the shadows to post some images of my roses now that the first flush is in progress. This year is the best ever for my roses. Thanks in large part to the new system I used for winter protection as detailed in a post last November, I brought my roses through the harshest winter in 50 years with less damage than ever before.

Thanks for looking.

Cheers, Rick

I am absolutely swimming in blooms this spring. Without further adieu:



The Faun ( aka, My Granny ) 2nd year band from RVR


Jayne Austing, fabulous and fragrant, one of my favorite scents


Borderer, Polyantha, another 2nd year band from RVR


Octavia Hill, an old fashioned looking Harkness Floribunda


The Reeve, an early English Rose that is suberb here in 4b


Teasing Georgia, hardy, healthy, vigorous and fragrant


Crown Princess Margarita, healthy, hardy and beautiful



Crown Princess Mary, another old fashioned Poulsen bred rose, one of my favorites and unfortunately rare in North America


Treasure Trail, a glorious little shrub by Paul Barden. I have two second year bands from RVR

Thanks for having a look.

Cheers, Rick

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