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A jungle of clematises!

I thought some of you might enjoy these pictures I took this afternoon of a few of the members of the jungle of clematises that are engulfing parts of the garden! Many of them are starting to fade now and wilt has been a bigger issue than usual with a few of them but they are plants we'd hate to be without! (I'm not posting this in the clematis forum because I'm always a bit embarrassed about our haphazard approach to growing them vs. the 'proper' approach they believe in....!)

This is mostly Galore - aptly named! It is smothering a Rose of Sharon in the south alley and, once it finishes blooming, I'll have to rip it off to give the Rose of Sharon a chance to flower!

I love the color of Black Prince on the inside of the south alley gate:{{gwi:253067}}

On the outside of the gate, it mingles with a Jackmani Superba:

On the north alley fence Jackmani Suberba mingles with Huldine, and a Betty Corning has crept in to join them. I'm a bit worried that, at some point, they could bring down the fence :-) But we - and the neighbour beside us - whose family room windows you see in the picture - like the effect too much to get too brutal with controlling them!

In comparison the the rampant growth of the others, Piilu in the White Moth hydrangea near the end of the driveway border is a delicate little thing - although there are lots of buds ready to open. In June it blooms with double flowers and then blooms again now with singles. It makes a nice combination I think:

Where do you use clematises in the garden?

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