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spectacular revival of Linda Campbell

13 years ago

Nearly twenty years ago I bought this rose from I think Royall River Roses. Then I entered an inflexible "I only want pink" and dug it out after only two years, and stuck it at the back of the leachfield, a long walk down a slope and across the leachfield from the house. And forgot about it. Periodically I would notice the straggly canes when I would go down to pick wild blackberries, but never paid it any sort of horticultural attention. I had thought it long-since swallowed up.

Memorial Day weekend I noticed an intense red splash down there - and found old Linda, four feet high, six foot spread of lanky canes, loaded with beautiful blossoms! I figure she has earned some attention. Tonight I am going down with pruners to clean out the surrounding blackberry thicket and see what she's really like. I will even bring fertilizer.

Has anyone else ever heard of a rose that "disappeared" for years and then bounced back?

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