Are some of the new hybrids going too far?
17 years ago
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- 17 years ago
- 17 years ago
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This may be taboo here - I have too many, some need to go
Comments (16)LOL...that's it, you're banned! I'm hoping this year that most of my daylilies will bloom nicely so I can decide who is going to live at someone elses house. I've got several gardening friends who will appreciate the cast offs. I know Purple Stella is going. Like the color but the flower shape just doesn't appeal to me. This year I went a bit nutty with the quart perennials. Lowe's had them 3 for $10 one weekend so I bought 3 things to try: A low growing sedum (for inbetween the daylilies), a bluish salvia, and Columbine which caught my eye. A local nursery had a sale 2 weeks later at 5 for $20 so along came a pink creeping phlox (which I have to say doesn't look to good right now), David the garden Phlox, a Coreposis, another Columbine, an Astilbe, and a Rudebeckia. oh, and then there is the pincushion flower, hen and chicks and another coreopsis from home depot when they had the quarts at $2. So everything is planted in and amongst the daylilies. Oh yeah, brought in 8 more of those (where am I going to put the 3 that came today?). So I'm done buying for the season. My iris have been ordered and I hope to see them in July. They will get planted amongst the lilies too as I am just running out of room...sigh. so morale of the story, we all "fancy" something. Right now it's iris and daylilies. I was on a hydragena and clematis kick last year. Grow what you like. I want Renee's daisies but they won't look as assume here. :)...See MoreSchool security going too far
Comments (6)No BACKPACKS at SCHOOL!? Uh, what are they supposed to CARRY THEIR BOOKS, HOMEWORK AND SCHOOL SUPPLIES IN???Perhaps we could go back to the 1800's and carry our supplies over our backs with a big fat rope? Oh no, then the kids would be accused of attempting or planning a lynching. Maybe bandanas? My grandfather used to wrap his sanwiches in those. No, it would start a gang war. Incidently, I think it was the same channel that I saw another program on almost 2 weeks ago... Also about back-packs, except it was announcing that some very smart man had INVENTED BACK PACKS MADE OF KEVLAR FOR PROTECTION AGAINST ALL THE FLYING BULLETS going on in schools today be it crazy lunes trying to take over the elementary or the high schoolers gone mad against each other. (Did anyine stop to think that maybe all of those scenerios is b/c our government's gone wild/"overboard" and it's affecting us all? No PURSES!? What are girls supposed to do; "All female students come to the office and please give official registry regarding your time of month" Then they give all female students a REAL SCHOOL ID to wear at all times so that school security can scan them and check whether or not they're in code per their 'legally monthly-alloted apparel'??? Hell YES we've gone "too far" as a nation and society. Guess what people... WE... ARE THE NATION AND SOCIETY! And if we don't stand up against this we will SOON find that it's TOO LATE. So many of us think that we "can't do anything about it" or we're too busy to, or "someone else will"... No, the day is already upon us... Indeed approaching dawn... It is time to ACT....See MoreNew refrigerator--it sticks out too far!
Comments (26)I'm totally having the same issue - so I feel really good about people here reminding me that it's an issue that everyone is having. The look of the sticking out fridge does bother me, but not enough to sacrifice the space or the money. In my case, I am considering a fridge that has both depth options - but they are the same price. I just can't wrap my head around paying the same amount for less space. Especially since I hadn't planned on my existing fridge crapping out this week. It's a good question to ask - if you saw it while visiting someone else's house, would it bother you? I think I just spend so much time stressing over things that no one really even notices or cares about. Thanks for sharing your thoughts!...See MoreAm I 'too far along' to go topless?
Comments (67)Thanks, D-ro, enduring, Francoise, and Herb. I am happy with this. I appreciate your comments. I forgot to mention that, as part of the decision process, I constructed fake "uppers" from cardboard boxes, and hung them on the walls. I also used tables and sawhorses to simulate countertops. I could then swap upper locations around easily, going back and forth between the layouts posted, say, on Wed, Sep 28, 11 at 19:40 and Thu, Sep 29, 11 at 13:38. This made it easy to sort out issues like possible crowding of the big window, the overall airiness of the kitchen, lights in the sink area, and the difficulty of reaching above the shoulders into the upper cabs with a laden soup bowl. Therefore, I am more confident in this arrangement than I was when only relying on Sketchup. Francoise, you are so right about how hard MW placement is. After this struggle, I have concluded that chest-high is the only really good placement; this either means in the middle of a tall cab (like CluelessinCo) or hanging below un upper (like someone posted recently... Dianalo? remodelFLA?). I didn't want to give up the pantry to do the former or effectively give up the counterspace to do the latter, so the drawer was the next-best alternative. Funny that I never really understood that about MWs before....See MoreRelated Professionals
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