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Moving plants from the windowsill to under fluorescents.

12 years ago

Hello, I don't frequent this forum often but I would like some help from the experts here. My African violets have to move from my east windowsill to the top of the fridge. I always intended on setting up a 4 foot wide grow stand, but there is no room anywhere in the house for such a shelf. This is the only available unused space so I need to find a way to make this work.

The space is 36" wide, 24" deep, and 19" tall, but I only need to light a 24"x24" area for now. For lights, I want to use the 24" grow lights from Walmart for $11 each. I'm thinking of setting up two 17 watt T8 lights about 12 inches apart right above the growing space. Will two fixtures be enough, or would 3 be better? Also, how high above the standard plants should T8s be?

Here is a picture of the space to get a better idea. Hopefully the white walls will help maximize the fixture's light output.

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