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biennial seed/flower production by 'Princeton' elm?

11 years ago


In 2003 I planted a 'Valley Forge' American elm that has flowered consistently for the last 6 years. In 2008 I planted a 'Princeton' American elm that flowered for the first time last year, resulting in a bumper crop of seeds on both trees (the 'Valley Forge' never made seeds before 'Princeton' flowered). This year I didn't even notice any flowers on the 'Princeton', but it seems there must have been a few, since lots of seeds are forming on the 'Valley Forge'

I know that many fruit and nut trees don't flower regularly, but I didn't expect that pattern from an elm tree. Nothing traumatic has happened to the tree...no drought or hard winter or anything, and it's leafing out normally.

Has anyone noticed this in any variety of elm? Is it just because it's young? It's maybe 20' tall.


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