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bugs, old potting soil, how long, replace fertilzer?

16 years ago

working on my first batch of compost and have some newbie questions. I used to be more of a chemical approach guy. the bin contains mostly kitchen produce scraps (apple cores, bannana peels, coffee grounds, citrus peels, egg shells etc), some lawn clippings, dried leaves, some left over shredded conifer bark, old potting soil from annuals, and weeds I pull out of my garden.

I started it with a small amount of ammonium sulfate. Its pretty warm, but crawling with all kinds of nasty looking bugs. some look like maggots. First question, should I care?

Second, any consequence from having small amounts of peat, perlite, and calcined clay in the mix? (thats whats in the old potting soil)

Third, about how long until I can use this stuff in the garden? one month? two? The last batch I bought at the nursery said 'composted at least 8 months' on the bag. Does it really take that long?

finally, seems like this would be nutrient rich when done, with the variety of stuff going in. Can I get away with less fertilzer or eventually none if I use this?

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