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John Deere 400 loss of power after running for 30-45 min

14 years ago

I have a new to me John Deere 400. I replaced all the fluids, fuel filter, battery, and some other items before i started using this to mow.

The first time out mowing the deck lift mechanism was broke and the blades were uneven and only the right side would raise. I got the yard mowed takes about 45 min to an hour. I had to stop to open a gate and the mower wouldn't start back up again. I had to let it sit for a bit and then it was back to normal. This was after mowing for about 45 min.

The second time out mowing after about 30 min the motor started to bog down and i lost power steering. I was able to disengage the pto for the blades and get it back to the garage. After letting it cool for 30 min it was good to go again for another 30 min. This seams to be the norm now once it gets warmed up after about 30 min I have to stop and shut it off. If i try and restart it right away it doesn't always fire right back up. I think the problem is getting worse because it has to sit longer and longer each time or i can only get back on it for 5 min before it does it again. Tonight i was fine for 30 min but then it started acting up. I let it sit for a good 20-30 min started it back up and it was ok for 5 min. And this time it shut off on my i couldn't keep it running.

Any suggestions on what to investigate? The power steering doesn't always come right back after the pto is disengaged either. My first thought was low fluid but the fluid level is fine. The only gauges the mower has is a hydro pressure which gets down to about 20 when it bogs down, and a battery meter.

Thank you,


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