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Indexing valves, toggle valves...

Any experience with these. What else are they called?

My knowledge:

k-rain and fimco both make index valves. These have 2-8 outlets, and every time the water pressure drops to zero, an internal rotor moves to the next opening. This means that a single station controller can handle up to 8 zones in sequence. Obviously there are limitations -- you have to do all the zones in sequence.

Sturman BG makes a toggle valve that works similarly. It can be set to switch between A and B outlets, but can be set to stay on one for up to 9 pressure cycles. This allows you to have one for each block in a row of blocks. Irrigate one, step to the next block. Irrigate it, step to the next blcok. Each successive valve is programmed to ignore 1 less pressure change before resetting to its initial state.

Sturman's toggle valve was mentioned in a couple articles, but their web site doesn't mention it on their products page.

K-rain and fimco both do substantial business in Florida, but not elsewhere.

What's the catch? I would think that a device that allowed you to replace an entire manifold with a single valve would be quite popular, especially for things like lawns, where you have multiple zones with similar requirements.

I remember coming across the toggle valve before, but now I can't find it. Some other name?


My application: I'm trying to automate watering on a tree farm. I don't have power on site, and I'm working with a limited flow of water -- means small zones. 200 - 300 drippers per zone.

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