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Sprinkler valve won't shut off

19 years ago

Looking for suggestions or help, PLEASE!!! This is a bit long, but I thought I should be thorough.

I had to replumb my yard after installing a pool. The rear yard is now fed by a 3/4 line from the water main, that previously was one zone of sprinklers controlled in the front yard by an electronic anti-siphon valve. I installed a ball valve in its place and ran the pipe to feed three hose bibs and a new six sprinkler valve array in the rear yard.

I had one planter elevated above the rest of the yard, and I tied a new zone into that existing pipe so the shrubs are watered. For the rear yard, I installed six electric actuator valves in a row, with the one serving the elevated hill being the last of the six. I originally installed Rainbird 3/4 plastic valves (their cheap model) on all six valves.

At first I had two problems:

(1) I was getting a lot of water coming through the anti-siphon valve when I turned on the valve. I then installed an in-line one-way backflow device to stop the down-hill flow when the sprinklers were turned off.


(2) The valve would contine to run after the timer turned off the valve.

The backflow device stopped problem one, but problem two persisted. Rainbird assured me it was not a pressure issue and since none of the other five valves act up, I think they are right. But to be sure, I figured a better valve would do the trick. Thus, I then installed a Champion brass valve and actuator on the last valve feeding the hill. The valce would then allow water to flow for a minute after the solenoid was deactivated, but would stop. However, after a landscaper finished working on other areas utilizing other zones, the problem is back. The only way to stop the water flow is to completely turn close the flow valve. I do not believe the valve is dirty inside.

Any suggestions?


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