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Rogue Valley Mystery rose - is this Fellemberg?

One of my Rogue Valley mystery roses has bloomed, and as usual it looks like three out of the four are the same rose (the last clearly looks like a mini, with teensy leaves and canes). Only this one has bloomed, but it strikes me as having an old rose flavor to it, so I posted the ID question here. Let me know if it's really a modern, and I'll move it to the other forum.


I ran this through the Rogue Valley search for dark pink roses, and there seemed to be a lot of options among lightly double dark pink roses that show stamens. I've posted pictures below that the stamens aged in a day from golden to brown, and the rose opened more to show them. Some of the other decision factors are the lack of apparent clustering (that rules out things like Ellen Poulsen, Bad Worishofen, and probably Sir Clough), and the lack of thorns so far on the canes, which rules out about everything else. HMF says Fellemberg is mostly thornless, though my Quest-Ritson book says it's quite thorny (go figure).

If that's not it, other candidates might be Cerise Bouquet, Neon Lights (but I don't see the ruffling of petals), Etude (but it has more petals I think), or even General Tartas or Alexandre Girault. Both of the latter would be daunting to site in a zone 5 yard, but I like challenges.

What do you think? Here are two more photos of the flower plus some of the cane and leaves, and a day old bloom with the darker stamens.



Thanks for the help!


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