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Perennials that peter out, underperform w/o attention?

I am renovating a border this year. I have started new borders and renovated new borders a few times in the past five years. What I have noticed is that the first year or two after I install all new plants they all look wonderful and vigorous and then some of them start to look less vigorous and underperform. Or they peter out. It can't be because they are overcrowded that fast. Last year was a very good year for many in one of my borders that is three years old, but we had a lot of rain early in the season. This year was dry and I waited a little too long to start watering and maybe that did it? The Tall Bearded Iris are barely budding up. I thought I would get 'more' blooms this year. The Delphiniums didn't come back which is a puzzle. The Foxglove didn't come back and didn't reseed. So far, the echinaceas look the same size. Maybe it is still too early and they will catch up later? So far I am disappointed in some plants and would really like to go at least four years before having to renovate a bed beyond minor adjustments. Am I dreaming? What plants underperform for you?

I keep trying to maximize the performance by choosing plants that will just happily perform and increase gently with a minimum of fuss. I am starting to wonder if that is a fantasy? [g] Has anyone else noticed this and if you are finding plants that really perform for you year after year, I would love to know what they are and in what conditions.

I'm trying a lot of new plants this season that the jury is out on, but here is my list of those I've had longer than 5 years experience with....

In the sun:

Phlox subulata

Lupine [because it reseeds so well]

Shorter Iris [almost too well (g)]



Coreopsis 'Moonbeam'

One particular variety of Golden Thyme


Nepeta 'Walker's Low'

Pennisetum 'Hamelin' grass

Butterfly Bush

In part shade/shade:

*Epimedium --always perfect




Pulmonaria 'Mrs Moon'

Violet odorata



Not a very long list...did I miss some?

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