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Intermediate Compost Tea Question

12 years ago

Hello everyone I am a long time browser of this site but this is my first time posting as i couldnt find a real answer to this anywhere(mostly because i didn't even know where to start looking)

But here is my question.

I have a 5 gallon bucket with an airstone in bottom. I was thinking of throwing in a scoop of worm castings(or any other manure you guys think would work), 5 gallons of water, and as a "catalyst" maybe a couple of teaspoons of some liquid organic fertilizer ( other suggestions appreciated)

my logic being that the molasses will feed the microbes, and as the population grows it will feed off the kelp and guanos that are in the nutrient.

I am assuming I would want to water this down to not burn my plants, but I am thinking this would increase soil bio-life, and feed the plants since most of the nutrients in the fert would be broken down. Then dump the leftover onto my compost pile to further introduce microbes.

Any feedback or criticism is welcome,

I appreciate you donating your time.

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