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Does this ever just frustrate the poop out of you?

13 years ago

Stopped by a local nursery (I live in boonies, so really no such thing) well in the city I had to go to today. And of corse all they had was knockouts and some patent J&P. Oh they had new dawn and ONE queen elizebeth and ONE JFK. The guy of corse asks me what I'm looking for and I tell him older roses. And he almost acts offended and like no one grows them. (His comment of how he hears some older people still grow them in the country area) And it just upsets me cause a nursery of this size you would think they would sell some roses made for this area that do good and not black spot prone. I mean of corse I mention Tea roses and noisetties but by then he "needed" to go off help someone else lol. I would just think a nursery would wanna sell roses that are good for area so maybe more people would wanna grow roses after they realize there are varieties out there that do great and smell great and don't get alot of bs and are fragrant ect.

Oh well sorry to vent, I just know alot of you would understand my frustration.

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