I'm hoping some of you wise moms can help me here...I'm having barely-controllable mama-bear feelings and I need to know how to channel them.
What happened: back story is that our DD, a middle distance runner, has been working REALLY hard this year in track, on form and on condition, and just the weekend before this past one finally broke through and set serious new PRs at a USATF Development meet. Her success upset the status quo at our 'team' (I'm using the term loosely right now), in that one girl who usually hangs out with the sprinter girls, and whose mom needs therapy for her insane pushing of the daughter had always thought that she was the club's 'best' runner at those distances. They were dumbfounded at DD's beating their daughter at that last meet, and 1) didn't congratulate DD (it's protocol) and 2) went around saying it was an off day for the girl. Even the girl's brother got into it (he's a distance runner); DD was running with older boys last week after that meet and the boy said "Why isn't my sister here running with us instead of you? She's faster than you." Lovely enough.
BUT. What happened on Wednesday really tops it. I stayed home from practice and was happily gardening when DD and DH come home early...DD's bleeding mightily from her left knee, right side of her face, and right arm. Evidently for the first time ever at practice, that girl (which DD had just beaten) decided to push DD out of the way, *illegally moving out of her lane*, in a full out sprint interval. DD was thrown hard onto the track. The abrasions are healing, but now it appears that there is damage to one of DD's ligaments and she may be out for the season, just as States/Regionals/Nationals are coming up, for which DD was suddenly running qualifying times.
The girl didn't come back to see how DD was after the fall; the day after, DH went to practice (he's the distance coach) and the first thing the girl said was "How is (DD)? I was behind her and I nearly tripped over her!" (complete BS).
Then we get an e-mail from the girl's mom, who has never written my DH before, saying "how is (DD)? What happened?" DH replied that 'another runner cut her off', and the mom wrote "Oh I'm so sorry. Did (her daughter) do it?" (no one of any of the mothers wrote to ask such a question)
Um. Why don't you ask your daughter? Unless your question is really "are you going to let people know that my daughter did it?" And meantime it appears they're going around aggressively spreading the story that the girl was behind DD.
A little background on the mom: she has committed borderline neglect while pushing her kids to the point of breakage, literally. Last year the daughter fell at track, kept complaining that her wrist hurt, but her mother wouldn't take her to the doctor--said she was whining and just needed to run. Finally, when she went to her Dad's for weekend visitation, he took her to the ER and turns out the wrist was *broken*, not even sprained. She has also ordered her son to keep running despite a pull to his Achilles tendon--the kids constantly tell any parent who will listen about how their mom doesn't feed them, won't buy them what they need, doesn't listen to their health concerns--meanwhile she evidently runs them at extra practices, doing 500s and 600s repeatedly, not being allowed to stop until they can meet a certain speed. (NOTE for non runners--this is a completely nonsensical, counterproductive, Capt. Bligh-like approach to training)
We're going to a sports ortho today for a diagnosis/treatment plan, but if DD is really sidelined because of this girl's desperate violation...I feel so so SO sad for DD, who has always befriended everyone there and refuses to fall into cliques, who has stood up for this girl when the distance kids have said she's snobbish (middle-school-girl politics), has included everyone of every age and has a reputation as a lovable, mature, very hardworking kid. Several people have written to see how DD is and I know they'l be surprised when she's not back at practice today -- we had initially told folks that it was just scrapes and bad bruises. Seems it worse, though :(.
The person I'm really upset at is the mom. I feel SURE that after that last Saturday, she was pressuring her daughter to beat DD back into submission. The poor girl already shows stress in her running form, with her shoulders up around her neck and her eyebrows pursed in anxiety the entire time she's running...she probably was so stressed to get ahead of DD that she knocked her over but didn't think that maybe, maybe, it might hurt her (I'm being generous here -- everyone knows there are rules and ethics for a *practical* reason).
I'm having real trouble not hauling off and wailing on that mom (verbally)...like I've got mama bear fury in my body at the injustice that DD has suffered, after all her kindness and fair-mindedness, not to mention her great effort and great hopes just beginning to bear fruit. Please help. Ugh. I'm tearing up right now. Think I'll stop writing.
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