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Greenhouse confusion

14 years ago


I just got a 6X6X6 greenhouse, and have some questions I haven't been able to find direct answers to by searching Google.

It's my first greenhouse, and the reason I got it is simply to extend the growing season if possible, and perhaps put an end to the constant indoor seed starting.

Now that the greenhouse is up, and I have had a chance to think about it, I am experiencing some confusion. Here are my thoughts:

1-Why did I get this thing again? I was starting seeds indoors, put them under lights, and have had smashing success doing so. What will this greenhouse let me do that my indoor lights didn't do?

2-why is it 100 degrees in there with the rear vent open, and the front door unzipped, and rolled all the way up?

3-why is it the same temperature in there at night as it is outside when the vent is closed, and the door is zipped up tight?

4-what am I supposed to do with this greenhouse again? It's the weirdest's like getting nervous before a test. I got the thing, and now I haven't the slightest idea why I need it!! This is hilarious in a way, sort of a "theater of the absurd" moment where I obsessed over getting a greenhouse, and now that I have it, I have no idea why I even need it.

5-seriously now, I figured it would simplify hardening off seedlings which had been started indoors. My assumption was that a greenhouse would be a perfect place to harden off seedlings, since the light is filtered, and the humidity remains high, preventing drying out of seedlings.

6-This hardening off idea doesn't make sense now that I have the greenhouse. The greenhouse was 100 degrees today while it was 80 outside. This is with the rear vent open, and front door open. That's not hardening off, that's suicide. The night time temps don't seem higher in there than the outside. Maybe this is a fluke, maybe my weather station satellite transmitter is a few degrees off?

7-why are there swarms of gnats, baby bees, and dragon flies in this greenhouse within 24 hours of its installation? I have never seen concentrations of these bugs in my yard, but they were in the greenhouse in swarms. I killed em all with a bug zapper thing, but 1 hour later, there were tons of bugs to replace the ones I got rid of.

So there are my concerns. In a nutshell, I would like to know EXACTLY what a mini greenhouse is supposed to be used for in each season, and I would like to know if other people experienced this apparent bafflement of what to do with the thing once you have it.


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