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Rubus Sample Prep

We have a Rubus species in this area that does not conform to any of the local keys. I may cut samples of primocane and floricane this spring, and submit them for ID. However, the information on the web is inconsistent in required technique and descriptions of the samples needed.

The Rubus in question is one of the Dewberry species, since it is mostly prostrate and has thin, whip-like tips. Is there a good resource to describe best practices for pressing? I would also like one that describes sample preparation for the blackberries, since those are much larger plants with different flowering characteristics. For example, I don't know if a "good" blackberry sample would have 2 sheets (largest leaves from middle of primocane, and inflorescence for floricane), or 6 sheets (lower, middle, and upper sections of both canes).

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