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If you could custom design your own plant...

Posted a similar question some years ago on another forum, but I thought it may be fun to do it here ;-) The Penstemon thread got me thinking about it again...

Have you had a spot in your garden where you knew all the qualities you wanted, but there was no plant to match?

Have you ever wished a plant came in a color other than what it normally is? Any plant you would like to change the leaf color, height, bloom time, or hardiness on if you could? Any plants you would like âÂÂimprovedâÂÂ, such as less disease or bug prone, less invasive, more or repeated bloom, less flopping, etc?
What annual/biennial/monocarpic/short lived plant would you like to turn into a perennial or longer lived plant?

Mine would be: a variegated Jerusalem Sage (Phlomis russeliana), with a wide golden margin on the edge. Think variegated comfrey. I love this plant because it takes full sun and has somewhat large leaves. The blooms are unusual, plus it does well it difficult areas (mine is in a dry, rooty area). I would love it even more if a variegated form was available, lol.

A variegated Smoke Bush with a creamy yellow margin on green would also be killer.

Phygelius that were hardy in my zone would be awesome. IâÂÂm sure I could think of myriads of other plants I wish were hardy here too. Just give me time, a couple pens, and a ream of paper and I will get that list going for you, LOL.

A self-cleaning hops vine. Try chopping it back in fall when it is still alive and you get painful scratches, do it in spring and it is dry and dusty. HACK, HACK, one too many dry cone flakes down the olâ windpipe for me, lol.

Very curious to know what plants you have always wanted to change if you could.

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