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Ebb Tide V. Twilight Zone

Today, upon careful analysis of both of these roses, to my eye and nose this is what I observed:

Ebb Tide has the deep smokey purple through and through, whereas Twilight Zone becomes almost fuchsia toward the center. I much prefer the color of Ebb Tide as I was searching for "purple"

The flowers on my Twilight Zone are slightly larger than Ebb Tide.

The fragrance is very lovely and extremely similar to my nose. Actually, I could not detect any difference but it is allergy season so my sense of smell may not be at its best.

The leaves on Ebb Tide are darker and less glossy than Twilight Zone. I really like the leaves on Twilight Zone. The aphids are not attacking TZ the way they have been other roses in my garden.

I know Ebb Tide is reported to become a real stinker when it becomes hot, I will definitely see�.

Unfortunately, my camera battery died before I could snap shots of TZ, but here is Ebb Tide.


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