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Old Roses for pots - teas or Chinas

10 years ago

Hello all,

After running out of garden bed space, I have decided to expand my rose collection in pots.

I know planting in pots limits the range, but what are your suggestions for tea and China roses for pots? I prefer no-spray plants and fragrant blooms. I plan to use 400mm round flared plastic Tuscan style pots.

I live south on the coast south of Perth In Western Australia, so we have a frost-free climate similar to Southern California, but with more rain. I have recently purchased "Francois Dubreuil", "Duchesse de Brabant" & "Old Blush". I am definitely getting a "Tipsy Imperial Concubine" and am contemplating an "Archiduc Charles".

Any I should definitely steer clear of?

Thanks in advance,

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