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Compare Ambridge & Tamora

ratdogheads z5b NH
10 years ago

Could anyone give me a comparison of Ambridge & Tamora: similarities, differences.

My reason in asking is that I have Tamora on order for spring and I already have a place planned for it. Other roses in that garden will be - nearest to Tamora - Boscobel, Melody Perfume (lavender), Crown Princess Margareta, and a bit further away but in the same garden, a couple of white miniforas, Jude the Obscure, Darlow's Enigma.

As for Ambridge, I agreed to it as a substitution for something else and I have no idea where to put it. There's room directly next to Tamora, but if they are very similar (which is my impression) I'm not so sure I'd like the combination.

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