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I'm Back in the US :)

What can I say?! I had the most fabulous time (maybe I can now officially say 'fab' as Britains really do!)!!!!

There are too many good times to note. I have to go back in December to makeup a project I missed due to my back - pity ;) Terrifying at the time, of course, but read on.

I was mercilessly distracted by a Northern[ish] Irish programmer... oy. The Oxford Dating Service, don'tcha know? He's always been amusing, helpful and smart on the forums but somehow you picture an older man with 8 kids. Um, no :)

I'm to have him show me around Ireland, he says. Unsurprisingly, I am currently trying to tack on an Irish trip to the Oxford one in December :) :) :) I could go on and on about that, and I am not amused. [OK, truth is I'm exceptionally amused and planning to write a romance novel now based in Ireland, I think a new career with a great deal of research [rimshot here]]

Back to why I went! Here are some pics just from the cameraphone. Dad has the real pics in his laptop going to Cally about now.

There are some fascinating, hilarious [and brilliant] people in this world and I think I met a great big handful of them! More later, if you like... I'll try to think of clever ways to keep it at least mostly anonymous, particularly about the lecturers, etc at the University...


You probably can't read the captions... no biggie, really except don't forget to guess who My Favorite Irishman is ;)

[PS  Me, My Favorite Irishman and my father at the pub where he stayed, all of us leaving Oxford city donÂt forget the accents:

Me: Everyone tells me that Oxford is much nicer than London. Do you think so?

MFI: IÂve never been!

Dad: I havenÂt either!

MFI: IÂm a bit closerÂ

Just wrap me up and ship me to Ireland and letÂs be done with it ;) :)]

Oh yeah, school was great too ;)

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