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Phals in dirt - Why do they do it?

15 years ago

I went to visit my parents for a Labour Day weekend bbq yesterday and my mother showed me an orchid she had recieved as a give a couple weeks back. She wanted to know why all the flowers had fallen off over a period of two days.

The plant itself was beautiful, with long broad firm leaves tinged slighly red along the rim (noid phal), but it was potted in sopping wet potting soil. I was stunned. Who would sell an orchid like this potted in dirt? Whoever grew such a nice plant obviously did not have it growing this way. When I unpotted it to cut away all the rot I noticed a fair number of bark chips still clinging to the few living roots. Why would a grower take an orchid out of a perfectly good bark mix only to dump it in dirt to sell?

I potted it up in moss, in a much smaller pot and gave her instructions on how to care for it properly. Hopefully it will survive.

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