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Keeping new seed moist (best techniques?)

Most people agree that new seed needs to be kept moist, but not wet, until germination. I've seen many people say that the best way to do this is by lightly watering the soil up to 3x a day.

I'm struggling to understand how much water makes the surface moist vs. wet. Would it be sufficent to walk around my yard with my hose gun set on "flat" or "verticle" and literally just moisten the top layer of the ground 3x a day?

Let's use a 10 foot by 10 foot area as an example. How long would I want to put a hose on this area if I was going to do it 3x a day? (10 seconds on "soak"?)

SECOND QUESTION: I haven't watered 3x a day every day because many days we've had some slight rains. Is it safe to say that if the bare soil looks damp, that I don't really need to water at that time? Thanks for any help!

Zone 8, Tall Fescue, shady lot

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