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Gord seeds not sprouting - how long should i soak them.

18 years ago

I have the following seeds (Not sure how accurate the botanical names are - i googled them, and they may not match what i actually have.):

Bitter Gourd - Momordica charantia.

Snake Gourd - Trichosanthes cucumerina.

Bottle Gourd - Lagenaria siceraria.

Ridge Gourd - Luffa Aegyptica.

French/String Beans.


I put them in individual tiny plastic cups filled with water and then put them in sunshine (they received part direct sun and part shade). The okra had sprouted by the next day (24 hours), unfortunately none of my gourd or bean seeds have sprouted!

1. The gourds have a tough seed-cover so should i soak for a few more days? I read somewhere that you should soak for 8 days??

2. Can you drown the seeds in water or should i place them in between wads of damp and wet cotton?

3. What do i do about the beans? Soak some more?

Also, what plants (veggies, fruits, flowers) grow well in the shade. My plot gets a lot of shade and i never know what to plant in these areas. Lettuce? Cabbage?

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