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What is wrong with my lawn- Pics Included.

Hello all. Long time lurker, first time poster.

Location: Long Island , New York

Some background. Had sod put down in 2010. It looked great for the first two years. The type of grass was a fescue,rye, bluegrass blend as per the landscaper. They threw some top soil down before they placed the sod.

Maintenance: I have an irrigation system. I water the grass twice a week during the summer. The sprinklers come on around 3am and run for about an hour and half per zone. I fertilize 3-4 times a year. I cut my lawn (mulch setting) once a week. I dont have an issue with weeds, some here or there, but I usually pull them while I am cutting the grass.
I did a quick ph test from one of those kits from ace, shows my ph is okay, 6.5-7. I plan on submitting a soil sample to logan labs soon as I know these home test kits are wonky sometimes.

FUNGUS- Every year, like clock work I get fungus, I believe its brown patch or dollar spot. Unfortunately, I kind of slack off here , I only fight the fungus after I see it. I will use either the bayer advanced with propizonazole or scotts lawn fungus with thiphante.

GRUBS- They got me this year. Killed an entire section of my lawn. I was late to the game on this one, by the time I checked the lawn was coming up like carpet. I laid down some bayer advanced grub killer twice. Hopefully that did it.

My neighbors around me have great lawns. Lush and green and thick. Most of them dont do much. I paid top dollar for the sod, and though it looked great initially , it went to crap after only 4 years. In addition it seems my lawn browns up during the winter and is the last to green up in the spring compared to my neighbors. What am I doing wrong. I have never aerated, dethatched or limed my lawn. Do you guys think its a soil issue? Thanks for the time

Here are three pictures:

*the little spots here and there of nice green grass are the areas I reseeded with Pennington sun and shade mix.

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