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WALATing in search of aphids late this afternoon :-(

A neighbour who wanted cuttings from my Hot Cocoa rose informed me that, unfortunately, it has aphids. I don't spray roses - they have to live or die on their own... But I thought I should check out the situation. So far it looks like New Dawn on the swag isn't in too bad a state. Hot Cocoa seems to be in the worst state. Therese Bugnot has something that seems to be causing some dieback on some stems. Queen Elizabeth has some aphids and looks like it may be going to be a problem. Blanc Double de Coubert has some but is blooming OK for now. The little Angel roses mostly seem in good shape. I forgot to check The Fairy. I refuse to fuss over roses so we'll see what survives or not! I suspect the fact that it's getting dry and we've had no strong rain to speak of is having an impact.

Having ennoyed myself with inspecting finicky things like roses, I was at least happier with some of the other things out there!

The front porch is a nice sitting place - if it was warm enough, which it isn't!

(That cursed mat in front of the door will NOT stay in place and it drives me nuts!)

This picture didn't turn out very well... The Patty's Plum poppies and this sanguisorba is making a very pleasing combination at the moment.


Here are a couple of pictures of the tripod 'family' we put together forclematises. The first shot is of the one in the main bed that has the Huldine, Star of india and Rouge Cardinal on it. The second is a view from the road from a few days ago so you can see all three (two along the garage aid one in the main bed). The third is taken from the neighbour's driveway and you can see the three again from a different angle. I expect that we'll have to replace the bamboo with something studier next year or the year after but I wanted to see how it'd look...


The Harlequin honeysuckle is just opening now and looks superb. A chainlink fence makes a great support! The second shot shows it with a columbine that is just fading now but the flower color is a great combination.


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