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I need help. Lots. This is my first garden.

12 years ago

Let me start by saying we got a late start so it was already pretty hot, then we had a lot of rain, too much, and then several periods of cold between days of 90-100 degree temps. I discovered after about 3-4 weeks after transplanting and seeding that I had a serious nutrient problem. I think the compost I bought was not "done" and none of my plants were growing, not really dying, just not changing and some started to yellow and I finally realized I needed to add fertilizer. So I did. Bt now I'm not sure when to fertilize again. I added bat guano and then 2 weeks later Dr Earths All purpose 4-4-4. Dring that time I wa alaso doing foliar apps with alaska every 2-3 days jst to make sure nothign died while the soil ferts were taking effect. I removed all of the dying foliage also. That was about 2 weeks ago, everything has since picked up but now I'm having other problems. So here are some pics to go along with my questions, so sorry if this is looooonnnngggg.

Yo can see the bluish on the kind of center leaf.

Ok there are 3 strawberry plants in one of my beds that some of the leaves trned red and dried out. THey also prodced a whole 2 berries between the 3 of them. I thought they might be diseased so I did not move them to my strawberry bed, BUT now I'm think thing that may have jst been the ntrient deficiency all the plants were suffering? Otherwise the leaves they have are healthy looking EXCEPT that one has a mottled bluish thing going on and I just noticed one in my strawberry bed has the same. Is that normal? Or should those plants be trashed? SHoul dI dig p the three plants that had leaves turn red and check their roots? If the roots look good do yo think its ok to move them to the bed?

I have 4 yellow wonder alpines on the way and a ton of seeds for 6 or so different strawberry types. Any advice on germinating and caring for strawberry seedlings?

Oh and what bg would case this? This just happened since I transplanteed from hanging baskets to a bed:

Something has been eating my eggplant since I transplanted it. It doesn't seem to be hrting its growth so do I jst let it be? Do I need to pollinate eggplant blooms?

These charentais melon seedlings are like 6 weeks old!!!! They only have 3 leaves!!! They have been lightly fertilized and nothing changed. What am I doing wrong?

Literally jst today noticed this bug damage to my squash plant. Any ideas?

Also I had a bloom not polinate so I hand pollinated the next one and it did not take. I might have been too late for it because it had bloomed the day before?

My bush beans are awfully little and they are starting to bloom. Should I pinch them off until the plants are larger or jst let them do whatever?

THis is a zucchini, he took it upon himself to split into two plants after I tore him apart digging out a borer. DO I need to remove one plant or should they both be fine in their 3x3 space?

Caterpilllar? I didn;t kill him. I can't find him now. I think I might jst tear these out because they took to long to grow and are probably pretty bitter. There was little grayish black balls of poo on a bunch of the leaves....I think from the caterpillar. Should I jst move him out of the box? WIll he eat other plants?

Ok, and last thing....I swear. These are peas.....they have barely grown and I'm sre its because of the heat. Shouls I tear them out or will they still attempt to grow and produce?

Since I realized I have sch a big nutrient problem with my unfinished compost in my boxes should I increase my fert over what the package recommends? And my tomatos are starting to ripen. Should I give them extra P or is it K? My bat guano is like 1-12-.5 which they got a dose of abot 3 weeks ago BUT I keep getting reminded how importatn soil ntrients are to flavor so I want to make sure they have enough bt of course don't want to over do it. I tried a soil test and got completely different results on two different electric ones and the little tbe ones so completely no help there.

Thanks in advance if oy even managed to read that. If my pics don't show I'll go back and try a different first post.

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