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Idyll #370 - Signs of Spring?

16 years ago

I'm hoping we'll have some signs of spring before this idyll is finished!

Comments (101)

  • 16 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    "And if there is a lawsuit going on, it might be strategically wise to appear more pathetic." Very perceptive, Woody, and I think that's probably part of it, and this guy today really succeeded if that was the goal! The worker's comp laws have recently undergone a major rehaul in Calif, and everyone seems to be scrambling to understand the full effects of the new laws. This injured worker has carpal tunnel to the point of constant numbness, and since he's had serial employers, it's a matter of which employer and in what proportion will pay for the necessary surgery. The last employer doesn't want to pay for the whole bill, since the injury's inception preceded the date of his hiring the employee. These "cumulative trauma" injuries take a King Solomon to sort out who pays. I really shouldn't make any assumptions from the brief look I get into these cases.

  • 16 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    I think the omnipresent boob tubes carry a fair share of the blame. I've probably shared the story before, but my SIL's late mother once had a major heart attack and was in the ICU. She began to regain consciousness, and her first memory was of wondering why there were people around her fighting, and she was getting agitated over how to make it stop. Reality was that there was a TV in her room tuned to the Jerry Springer Show. I've seen my fair share of folks who are not at their best who just sit and watch show after show after show. I think it's fair to say that the endless watching does not improve the situation.

    And Chelone, I agree with what you say about reading. I love reading and can't imagine not being able to enjoy it in some way. I have been very inspired by Dick, an in-law of my in-laws, who is legally blind due to macular degeneration but who has used many, many tools to allow him to continue to enjoy books.

    Eden, my hugs to you and my prayers to your mom.

    We had highs in the mid fifties today, although the wind was howling. I took a little stroll to check on some of the plants (the tiger eye sumac is all fuzzy! and the Heuchera Caramel lives!) Then I decided to take a little slip in some of the remaining snow. I sure know how to take all the fun out of a walk!

    I'd like to hear from Marian and Norma and know that they are okay.

    I love the photo of Betsy. The article mentions the Max Planck Institute in Leipzig; one of the former au pairs that lived with our family is completing her doctorate there. She was amazed that I had heard about Rico here in the US.

    Work is starting to ramp up. My fun job this year will be creating colorful weekly emails to our customers. I'm looking forward to having the chance to be a little creative. Usually accountants are not encouraged to be creative.

    I think it's time to slice another hunk off the lamb cake's neck. I have a couple of cadburys stashed away as well...


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    Ha! "Lugubrious" ! I had to look that one up! Chelone, you bring new words to my vocabulary frequently. LOL I like 'words' so that is good, and it rolls off the tongue nicely. ;-) When I got up this mornng I was more flexible than 'normal' (probably due to the 2 sessions of before bedtime, and one at 4 AM). As I was washing up before preparing breakfast, my mind went back to my childhood and how I greeted the morning with anticipation and joy. I recalled how , as a small girl, I would arise after mama was up, and slip out the side door to go around to the front door and knock! I don't think I did it very often [I hope not, :-)]. I don't recall mama getting upset at me, so it must not been very often. I would love to be able to greet the day with such a childish anticipation. Pm2, I accepted your announcement with no doubt that it was true. Such a thought never entered my mind. :-) Ah yes...I should have known it is a lupine. I love them but they will not grow here. I think it is because our soil is too acid. Ei was so kind in sending me a lot of her saved seed. They came up nicely, but soon expired without blooming. It sounds as though you have too many health woes to cope with, without having to be burdened with mine also! It is true....most everyone has their aches and pains....they are just differant, and (hopefully) not permanent. I guess I ought to check out my magnesium level? I do love nuts, but have to be careful how many and what kind I eat because of my gallbladder. :-( I have been known to tell my friends that I am defective merchandise, and need to be returned to the factory! Saucy, I wish I had had the presence of mind to use a fake email address for facebook. I guess I was just too gullible. I wish I knew how to eliminate all the trash email I am getting, without changing my address. As for using a phoney address, how would you know it wasn't someone else's? Since I am registered there, and am apparently stuck with it, maybe I ought to check it out. It apparently does have things of interest connected with it?? Tee hee, Marie, occasionally my bed has to wait to be made because Tommy is on it, but that is okay, I have become rather slack at getting to it anyway. That is a good looking group of kitties. The one in the middle looks a little annoyed. :-) I do not think I could tolerate a cat drooling in my ear! Tommy prefers to cuddle up to my back. I like that. Thank goodness, no skunks in our house, but Nolon used to see one in his shop. It was 'tame' and never a problem. Since Calliecat is gone there is no longer food out there, so no attraction for 'visitors'. Mary, thanks for your approval of linking. :-) I haven't checked out yours, but hope to soon. I love classical music, and have several albums. I had a bad bout with moths a few years ago. I did use the moth traps, and have been free of them for some time. I usually put flours and other foods that attract them in the freezer, but have not used that freezer since our icestorm. Fruit flies and tiny ants are what are plaguing me now. The fruit flies have not been bad so far this year. I make a trap for them, with cider vinegar in it. Kathy, sorry about your bad dream, and oversleeping, but happy that you got understanding from my links. As for moving my plants out, it will not be until the end of this month. I'd rather be late doing it than too early. It isn't likely Tim will be here at that time. Ha! I didn't think of Fred Flintstone or George Jetson....I thought of Star Trek. ( I was always a Star Trek fan.) We are awaiting another round of rain, with chilly weather. Poor Nolon may not be able to get to his wood cutting , and that is hard on both of us! Marian
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    Idyll # 312 - The Plants on Wheels Idyll


    Comments (103)
    Good Morning Idylls! Another early one, so I can make a quick post. I hear you V...I *live* for's my season. Oh well, I guess this year I'll live for June! :-) Now I'm wondering about when Sue's surgery is too Cynthia. I *thought* it was for Monday the 16th. I wrote it down in my calendar awhile back, so I wouldn't miss wishing Sue my best the night before, but from what I'm reading here now, I may have written down the wrong wouldn't surprise me. You & Bug have Clivias?!? Oh I'm green! I am not a houseplant person, houseplants don't like me. But, if there was ever a houseplant I *wished* I could grow, *that* would be the one. Speaking of which...I just drooled over all your beautiful plant choices Bug. Your purple hellebore looks a lot like one I planted last spring. To my relief, it lived through the winter, looks to have maybe one bloom or two, but not open yet. I'm just thrilled that it made it. One of my "no-name" hellebores has made about 20 babies from my last count (that is if they didn't die from yesterday's snow). I'll check on them once the snow melts. I want to pot them up and bring them to the next place. LOL about my posting, Bug. You are probably right, but I have *so* much *fun* making them! :-) Eden - I *love* that bedroom you posted...that is sooo just the kind of style I *love*, the soft hint of colors, the lamps, the little chest (armoire?), the curtains, the vase of fresh flowers, well *everything* and that *headboard*! That is the sweetest thing! Hope you find just the right gate/trellis and will post your creation when it is all completed. I can see that being Cynthia's style fact it reminds me a lot of some of the restful, beautiful home pics Cynthia has posted. BTW Eden...I *love* that pic of your GT and SS together...what a beautiful combo! Chelone So sorry about the headache with Lamee? Did I spell that right?...You know...that *sparkly* cloth! :-) Can't help it but hearing about *sparkly* things gets my blood going. Paul tells me I'm a lot like a crow...attracted to bright, shiny things...LOL! BTW Mary...what is that *gorgeous* flower in your BD pic to Kathy? YumMm! Oh before I forget...I wanted to share this with Deanne & Drema: Up on the top shelf to the left is Deanne's Fuchsia and next to it is a pot of about 6 of Drema's coleus. On the bottom shelf to the right is a glass of Drema's cuttings! :-) I know the pics are poor, but can you tell which Fuchsia this is Deanne? It's been a blooming wonder and a real joy. A close up of some of Drema's coleus cuttings. I don't want anyone to be misled. I'm *not* a houseplant person. The only reason these plants are still alive is because they only have to be in the house for the winter....LOL! Actually the poor begonias are crying to get out of my hands and into a container outside...hope spring comes soon! Okay...gotta has an appointment at 08:30 and I'm not even dressed yet. Hi to anyone I missed. Hope you all have a great day! Ei
    ...See More

    Idyll # 371 Aaah- CHOO! Sign of spring?


    Comments (102)
    Eden, my thoughts are with your Mom and Dad. I well recall the "time between" diagnosis and treatment. And how painful it was to carefully mull over a diagnosis of cancer and the alternatives, each with its own set of insecurities. No fun, and scare-y. I smiled at your comment about Crayolas... how come it's so much more complicated now and less of it "sticks"? And speaking of color, Michelle... dinky pink?? I'm sorry, there is something just a tad too "adult" about that description, thank you very much. Reminds me of those "mauve" kitchen accessories (dishpans, dishmats, etc.) that were a bit too evocative of intimate anatomy. :/ . I'm with you on the mud scene! Lots of it, here, too. 'tis the season and a lot of ground water characterizes our "low" lot. It's why the ferns are so pretty and I have to wait so long to rake. I'm dazzled by the seedlings and cuttings you've shared. Does my heart glad, but I'm in no position to undertake such things at this time. Clearly, something I'll be able to discover in coming years. :) the ice is now officially out of the little pond/muckhole and I suspect the next round of warm weather will lure the peepers out of hibernation. My co-worker heard then last Tuesday (it was into the '60s). She lives 30 miles south of me and hasn't heard them since, however. But the chillies can't last forever. It's all so exciting. Canopies are due to be put up starting next week. The 'phone is ringing steadily at work, tension is building at precisely the same rate as my tolerance for being snapped at is waning. ;) I'm plunking along on the Salon, and feeling pretty good about things in general. I've decided there is nothing to be gained by letting too much of the seasonal tension "get to me". When I hit critical mass I'll blow and the aftermath will be OK. (No, I didn't snitch Rex's morphine patch). Helpmeet was especially contrite about the Deramaxx being left atop the sideboard. So contrite, in fact, he cleaned up the puke for me. Nothing says, "I love you" more than sqeegeeing dog puke into a dustpan for your helpmeet. He's a "keeper". Denise, I just loved your springtime shots. I can't even feature growing much of that stuff here. Too wet. But one of the things I like most about gardening is that there really IS something for everyone, every climate, every soil. You just have to learn to see the beauty in the palette available to you. And you have learned your lessons well! Any chance we could persuade you show a shot of your bungalow? I'd love to see it, inside and out. Maine bees? nyeah... nothin' like them g'damned honey makuhs to add some spahk to y'yahd... . Definitely want to see some before pictures, Saucy... your house is so cool. And... back to dogs (which I hate). I don't think the likes of Ein, Wrecks, Zoe, and Phoebe are particularly "willful". I think they are perfect examples of animals that have been selectively bred to perform work for humans. Note, if you will, that all dogs mentioned above are herding or working dogs. They have to be independent thinkers to be able to do their jobs. And "independent" is the key to training them. The instructors we had when we took those classes were adamant about that; they told us the basics were going to try our patience and that daily practice was a necessity if we wanted to get anywhere. But, they confided privately, the toughest dogs to train are always the smart ones and they make the most enjoyable companions for those who like dogs (unlike myself). Our first instructor had a Bouvier, 'bug! So hang in there. And don't let DH sabotage the training by thinking he has it all "wired" when he clearly doesn't. ;) Norma, I don't think there is a dog on the planet smart enough to understand that sticking your nose in skunk's ass isn't such a swell idea. It's funny now, but when I was scrambling around the driveway in my underpants trying to neutralize the smell on Rex's head it wasn't nearly as funny. ;)
    ...See More
  • 16 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Thanks for the update, Marian. Glad to hear you did not have any serious problems.

    Now we just need to hear from Norma!


  • 16 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Things that annoy me more than trying to garden in the wind : Loud Children in RestaurantsLegroom in Coach REO Speedwagon.
    So its windy yet again today. Our temps are still wildly inconsistent, with a few days of near 70, and then back to cool high 50ish breezy weather. This probably sounds pretty good to Marie, V, Michelle and others in the snow-belt.

    Denises characterization of spring was just right there. My first task when I come home from the office every day , after chores, is to pour the wine and go on patrol. The lilies are volcanoing, they seem to rise up inches every day, with mounds of soil at the base where they pushed up. A co-worker claimed that he had Dahlias already a foot tall. I accused him of lying, and rushed home to peer at the still barren spots where mine live. The Sweetpeas grow about a foot a day, smell grand and I hope the visitors wont need a machete to get through the arbor since (of course) I overplanted.

    Pet names: we must not forget Ted , Doobies housemate and one very cool cat. I had fish names too (no fish at the moment) both were black mollies- Elvis Lives, and Othello. Once had a dog named Malibu Bill, cat named Rembrandt , nickname Big Fat Kitty, a Zelda, and a Bob.

    Eden, good wishes to you and your family. Gotta try to play the cards we are dealt , and enjoy the game whether we win or lose.
    Goldfish that are 6 or 7 years old impresses me ! But what about John ??? And perhaps Bella has a career in home décor in her future ? My front door is white and is the only solid core door in the house. When I had the exterior trim painted a couple of weeks ago I had them paint the front door as well. How nice a fresh coat of paint looks !

    T, good to have you drop by, and I enjoyed your story of the hotel room temps..Im always thrilled if I check into a hotel that has operable windows ! I stayed in a hotel once on Wacker Dr. in Chicago-dont remember the name but it was about a block west of Michigan Ave and it was a high rise with casement windows you could crank open. Im sure it has been re-done since.

    Denise, the TV thing on your depressing. To this day I always associate the TV being on during daytime with being home sick (except for baseball of course !) . There are many people who are not sick, not disabled, not unemployed, who spend hours and hours each week watching other people live their lives on the tube-fictional or otherwise. Give me the radio any day.
    And I just refreshed to see Marian re-appear and others weigh in on TV and inertia in general..

    And what PM said What happened to all those newbies ? Tricia ? Hoping that Norma , Babs and Ei will check in soon, and Honey has been silent too.

    Okay, I need to go work on my fantasy baseball draft strategyand speaking of baseball, Boston is the best team in baseball and the As are in the cellar

    Kathy in Napa

    Ted, Mr Cool.


  • 16 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Eden, so very sorry about your Mom's news. Such a shock to the system to get such news even if you are semi prepared to hear it. Hope there will be something offered that you can work with. Wish there was something we could do to help.

    Chelone...I'm sorry I started the 'Idyll Union @ Chelone's new Salon' idea...and had you worrying over it all day. You certainly have a lot on your plate! Poor Rex too. :-(

    Glad to see some of the back in the morning with more to say...

    Good night.. :-)

  • 16 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Kathy...LOVE that photo of Ted. Cats really know how to enjoy the sun, don't What is all that on the ground? Blossoms falling? What is growing in the container upper left? Sedums?

    Kathy, one of our neighbors has a high school age boy who has a very quirky sense of humor, and he was telling us about his idea of creating a fantasy basketball team that would consist of all the 'worst' NBA players. He was having a lot of fun mulling over who the starters would be. We got such a kick out of listening to not only his enthusiasm, but his already extensive knowledge of who qualified and why. [g]

    Mary and Gardenbug.... I have a vague recollection of Princess Pride, but I think I am getting it mixed up with Princess Diaries. Our daughter's films that she wore out the VCR playing were Singing in the Rain and Mrs Doubtfire. :-) sympathies with the computer problems. Hope they are all ironed out now. Sure sounding like spring there...daffodils and six inches of rain...neither of those here.

    V...congrats on Heuchera Caramel making it through the winter. You were worried?

    Woody, I agree with you...having any kind of disability that interferes with how you have always done things and being able to get things done that you need to do, is such an adjustment and not an easy one to make. A process that often is take one step forward and ten steps back. Not to mention the emotional work of dealing with a lot of loss.

    Finally managed to convert my Windows Media Player files to mp3 files and have 600+ songs and counting moved over from the old computer. Only took half the day yesterday, having to download and attempt to use four different freeware programs before finding one that did the job. Spent a couple of days sorting through the music collection to see what I still wanted and get the duplicates out. Finding lots of tracks I forgot I had. Let's see, the Playlist this morning...

    Beauty School Dropout...Grease
    Allman Brothers
    Bette's... 'Do You Want to Dance'
    You Are My Lucky Star ..from Singing in the Rain
    Gipsy Kings
    Glenn Miller
    Midnight Train to Georgia

    Hope you have some music in your Wednesday...


  • 16 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Ooops! Missed saying hello to 'T'.

    Glad your Mom is feeling better. Isn't it nice she has you to help her out. :-)

    Funny story about Henry in the hotel room. My, you and Sue are very polite! lol I am still wondering where you found a hotel that allowed dogs?!


  • 16 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Good Morning, I'm up and at it earlier than usual this morning. Meg has a 9am meeting so instead of getting Bella at 10 she'll arrive at 8:30. Looks to be a fairly nice day, highs in the 40s and NO precip. Now tomorrow into Friday will be another story, up to 3" of snow forecast. I scouted out the garden yesterday. What a mess but I did see a few brave snowdrops. This time last year the crocus were in bloom but are still buried in a snowbank this year.

    Thanks for all of your kind words for my mom. As always your wise words help alot! I especially took to heart the words of Woody and Kathy. Thank you! My mom is the type person who does live every day to the fullest. I don't remember if I shared this with you all but she's organized a raffle through her quilt guild where she's raffling off one of her quilts to raise money for the cancer center where she's treated. So far they've raised over $3000. She's always been a busy and involved person. Makes me sad to see her so tired now days but she still pushes herself to keep going.

    Kathy, what a fine cat Ted is. As for John, he jumped out of the pond or was taken out by some animal a few years ago. We found him near the side the next morning. The fish were $.25 feeder fish from the petstore originally. They spend the summers in the pond and the winters in an aquarium and aren't really very gold anymore but more white/silver. They are quite large though.

    My girls were big fans of the Princess Bride and came up with using those names for the cats.

    PM, I've always really liked Midnight Train To Georgia, one of my all time favorites!

    Marian, I figured you were having computer problems again. Sounds like it may be time to stop sinking money into the old one and think about getting a new model:)

    As for TV. Don't watch much here at all throughout the day. I do usually turn on (Chelone don't read this part:) Fox News from 8-10pm. I used to watch Brothers & Sisters and Grey's Anatomy before the writers strike too. Bella mostly watches DVDs and I limit those to one a day, usually in early evening when I'm trying to work in the kitchen.

    Denise, your job sounds really interesting. Love when you share with us about it!

    Cynthia, good that Katie's enjoying her PT. Such a sweet girl she is!

    I'm off for some coffee and a round of backgammon. Hope you all have a great day!


  • 16 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Hi everyone

    Eden, sorry to see that your mom will have to go through more therapy. She is such a trooper. Hope you are okay, too.

    Mary, I read about your possible move. Sticker shock on the houses isn't it? Hope all turns out the way you hope for. I am sure you would love to have DH home more often, and who knows, you might find something fabulous. The gardening is great out there:)

    V- DH wanted me to ask you what you did with your church for the "green" factor? He is looking into some possiblities for a side business we might do together in that area. Either get a tankless water heater distributorship, or trying to come up with something that is forward thinking, and you seem to definitely have your act together on that one. I have done some research, but am not connected enoug to know what I am looking for.

    Princess Bride, 20 years ago? Wow, seems like only yesterday.

    Michelle, Kenzie looks so cute in her Easter pic. I thought if I could get this posted today, it might not be too late for the Easter-ish idyll.
    Don't know why this is so small..
    Mom Dad and Charlie
    Told Jen some of you who met her might like to see her pic.Her shower is Sat, she is due May 6
    Dev making eggs

    Please excuse the peeling wallpaper. I am in the middle of removing it in that room.

    PM2, I just loved the pic of the baby bird.

    Kathy, how did your open house go?

    Cynthia, glad Katie is enjoying her therapy:)

    I have to take my kitty to the vet today if I can get him in. His right paw is swollen to three times the size of the other one and he is limping. I think he may have gotten into a fight outside.

    Chelone, I am impressed with all you are accomplishing in your home! I can't seem to get a project finished. I think I am needing to rethink this whole being at home thing. I don't seem to accomplish half of what I set out to do. It is amazing how different it is than I had it pictured when I was working full time. I think I need to learn how to say no to people. When I worked it was easy, because I just couldn't do things, but now I seem to be wafting in the wind, whichever way someone needs/wants me to go. This is not a good combo with my natural guilt complex.

    I have been taking real estate CEU classes online, I have about 11 to take by April 1, so am cramming at all hours. 4 more to go....

    Looks like we might have sun here today, hope you all have a great day!I am going to go try to accomplish something.


  • 16 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Eden, I forgot to say congrats to your daughter and her new husband. Wish them all of the happines possible.


  • 16 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Our power was off yesterday long enough that it was necessary to reset the various clocks and appliances. The satellite only began working again this morning.

    I was off to our book club through the deep snow, which is dinner and discussion. A vigorous discussion was had with wildly different points of view on our book. GOOD!

    I'm slowly absorbing Eden's news about her Mom and at the same time digesting what Denise wrote about the boredom and TV viewing...and then Woody's excellent observations. First of all I'm very sad to hear your news Eden. Yet I do feel that these ugly occurrences do allow us to know people in a profound way, a way that makes special ones shine. I include your Mom in this category. She has style! (My friends Susan and Ed too...!)

    I fear I'd be the negative basket case. When I think of the TV viewing though, it is my mother's (excellent!?) retirement home that springs to mind in a terrible way. Pathetic people beyond clear thinking or caring, unable to focus on others or other activity, parked in front of a loud moving screen with advertising. What kind of He!! is that?

    Loud children in restaurants: Yesterday we saw a family of four eating lunch next to us. Two very young delightful girls who were charmers. They sat eating their fruit cup (which Mom brought along) while waiting for their orders. They were calm but cheerful and full of smiles. Personally, I like to praise the parents whose kids I admire wherever- be it the grocery store, a restaurant, anywhere. I do get annoyed by whiny screechy kids whose folks do not discipline them. But like a misbehaving dog, they are what their parents make them in large part. We found that there's an art to selecting eat-out spots when you have kids. Chinese food worked for us!

    On my daughter's forums, the young Moms share the talk they endure from grouchy people who insult them at every turn. So much rudeness in the world. My own ax-to-grind is adults who are rude to teens and to young children in stores. Basically though, I find kids are like puppies. If the owner doesn't care or deal with patterns of behavior, everyone suffers. Given my choice, teens are the ones I enjoy teaching the most.

    DH's uncle has died. Good old uncle Clyde, the last of that generation, 93 years old! He is remembered in our household for many things, but one of them is this: How do you spell "squirrel?" "Skwee double skwee, wiggible wiggible whirl. Squirrel." Another one of his famous lines: "My wife is a Catholic. I'm an engineer."

    Welcome back Marian and good to hear of your garden waking up!

    Enough yabbering. Off to start this sunny Wednesday!

  • 16 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Eden, Im so sorry to hear that your moms news wasnt good. Its got to be so tough to hear that kind of news after all shes been through. She sounds like a very special woman. The quilt is a generous thing for her to do.

    Rain and then snow is expected here :o(

    Drema, wonderful to see you family pictures. They are a handsome bunch.

    Marian, I was thinking that you had a fairly new computer.

    Kathy, actually the last couple of days have been windy and 50ish. Its just what the next couple will bring.

    Chelone, Kenzie did dip her nose into the pollen.

    Ive always loved to read, but find it hard to find the time these days and I actually watch little TV. I do listen to books on tape as I commute, but the selection is limited to what they library has.

    Today is disconnect day at the cable TV office and it becomes very apparent how many people desperately need their TV time. The sad thing is when moms call and want it back immediately because their kids are driving them nuts without it.

    Interesting that with all the pets and gardeners here that few are named cool names like Petunia.

    Poor Chelone may go lock herself in the salon to avoid an onslaught of Idylls.

    I have to confess that I see very few movies and dont recall the Princess Bride at all.

    I finally got together a couple of seed orders. It really is fun to try a few new things each year.

    PM2, thanks for the tech links. Now if I just get time to research it. DSIL is a big help to me with computer stuff so since Im watching Kenzie on Friday night, maybe hell take a look.

    Enjoy your day!


  • 16 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Sometimes, the finality of Mum's death is breathtakingly clear. Today was one of those times. Like 'bug, Mum loved teenagers. She was their staunch advocate when they were criticized for being half-grown adults and doing stupid things. And she was a brutally direct and scathing in her indictment of those 'teens who were "repeat offenders" or just plain "mean". I would never have described her as "strict" or "stern", but I now realize that she WAS! She epitomized the "iron fist in the velvet glove". There was never any question in our home about what behavior was "acceptable" and what was NOT. She would overlook the occasional profanity, but if it was used in an angry outburst... apologies were in order and they were to be delivered clearly and specifically. Ditto, Dad. His idea of acceptable was different than Mum's... but they worked in concert... with devastating effect. ;)

    Today it was into the 50s! first time this year, I think (It's comin' 'bug!). I cracked the slider when I got home and the cats have been zipping in and out all afternoon. Hope Drema's club-footed kitty gets drained and innoculated today. They heal fast!

    And Drema, I'm appalled you'd show peeling wallpaper... NOT. Soemthing tells me I'd feel pretty much at home in your house (and that would be reciprocal!). Hmmm... Jen. looks considerably thicker in the middle than I recall. :) I love the easter egg coloring shot of Dev.. Made me think of Mum (again) and it made me smile. Thanks.

    Would really like to hear from Deanne (need thoughts on where to find Liquitex acrylics), Wendy, and Saucy...

    Michelle, lol about Kenzie and "pollen nose". I've been thinking about the use of network TV as "supervision" and like you, I think that's a very sad commentary about home-life in too many homes. We cancelled our cable account because we didn't have any control over what came into our home. My boss teases me about our 4-5 channel "selection" periodically. Last week I was frustrated with my project and she teased me about it again. I asked her to tell me the name of the last book she'd read... "I don't have time to read...". Ummm... okay. What an interesting insight you have into American homes! All the more reason for a potting shed, methinks. :)

    Marian, good to see you back. I was getting worried, but 'bug assured us that you'd be fine since you live on high ground and had plenty of puzzles. But still! let's face it, once you've savored the internet it's sort of hard to go without... esp. when you're part of a group like this one. It'll be another solid 3 wks. before I'll have daffodils. Like you, I can tell when the weather is "up". I can hear the roar of the ocean surf across the street. And I get to monitor the weather every single time I drive by the ocean. It was beautiful today. 6-8' waves breaking with the westerly wind blowing the whitecaps back out to sea. PostcaHd woHthy, b'gawd. ;)

  • 16 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Evening all,

    Eden, I'm so terribly sorry for your Mom's news. She is an amazing woman, like her daughter. Hugs to you all.

    Chelone, see link below.

    Busy x 1,000 here, plants and house (overdue cleaning) and bird photography and getting ready for two three day seminars two weekends in a row. Yikes! You probably won't hear from me for a couple weeks and by then the gardens will be coming to life. Can't wait.

    Had a great time today, Wendy and Lisa came up along with my friend Mary for cuttings and cuttings and more cuttings. I'd been holding off on pinching back the coleus for a while in case anyone wanted cuttings so the plant babies have had a trim now.

    OK time to go and start cutting some mats for my class. Waving hello to everyone!!!!


  • 16 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Just wanted to report a biped! Next it will be Charlie no doubt!


  • 16 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Inseam=what? 8-10"?

    lol, too cute. He looks pretty pleased with himself. As he ought to be... bi-pedal locomotion is no small accomplishment.

  • 16 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    We had another sunny and tolerably warm day today. If it doesn't rain on Sunday, I may be able to get into the garden for a bit.

    pm, I just wanted to be sure that the H. Caramel was coming back. I'll be promoting it in a seminar this weekend, and I always prefer using first-hand experience instead of "I've been told..."

    Chelone, back in our former house we canceled cable when we realized how many hours of cartoons my son could watch - and this was before the Cartoon Network debuted! When we moved out to "the sticks" we resisted getting satellite. We get 5 stations, 6 on a really good day. But most days we only watch the 9:00 pm news. Last night we got to see my son's former orthodontist plugging his new robotic orthodontics.

    Today at the office we "improved" our internet service and ended up with something slower than dial up. I am very grousy about this because a.) I am the one everyone calls to complain that the internet is not working, even though this was not my project, and b.) I need to upload photos for something that is my project and it is a deadly slow process right now. It's supposed to take 48 hours to improve. I remain the grumpy skeptic at the moment.

    Speaking of photos, so nice to see all the grandbabies and those to be! Reed's little legs are just above the white box right now, and they are gosh-darn cute little legs.

    Drema, our church is just getting started on the green process, so nothing to speak of has happened yet. But we had tankless waterheaters installed at the house and I am quite happy with them. My words of wisdom are that I think this is unquestionably a growth area, but because the initial cost (in a retrofit) is higher than replacing with a conventional water heater, I would keep a good eye on your local economy before jumping in to the business. There's a lot of interest in the tankless systems in our area, but there are a few suburbs that won't let them be installed yet. Do your homework, but it could be a good opportunity.

    The dogs seem to think they need to eat, so I'd better post and feed!


  • 16 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Tip: If you walk around the corner of your house with a reciprocating saw in your hand, the salesperson at the door will spook thinking it's a gun.

    It's cordless and I use it to limb up small trees and chop up the tree sized branches that I pick up from the lawn. I looked up from side yard and was annoyed to see a car parked in front of my house ruining my view, so I headed out front to find out what was going on. Scared him when I turned the corner packing my saw like Annie Oakly :) He was 'working on a house in the neighborhood' (oh yeah) and wanted to sell me concrete siding or something. No, I said, we like paint. Bye. ('We' is me and my ferocious dogs, Killer & Maim-y)

    Cute baby & baby to be pics!

  • 16 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    AARRGH! My turn to have computer problems! I just realized that none of the e-mails I sent today have left my in-box! (That includes the reply to yours Marian....) I had this happen once before. I assume it's a problem with my ISP but it's very annoying!

  • 16 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Oh my, Woody! sorry to hear that. I have that happen every now and then. When it does, I send it from the outbox.

    My computer seems to have leveled out, and is behaving quite well this afternoon. I did encounter a new problem...with my new desk. It does not have sufficient ventilation in the place where the console sets! I kept hearing it running, and running. I opened the door and it was too hot inside where it ( the console) was. Shortly afterwards the noise slowed down, and quit. After it cooled off I tried it again, with the same results.Sooo, either more vents will need to be cut; the door will have to be open while the machine is running; or it will have to set outside the intended space! What is that old saying about hindsight? :-(

    LOL, Marie, I like your reasoning about my living on a hill, and having lots of jigsaw puzzles. You are so right!


  • 16 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Think some of Ts unseasonably cold weather has sauntered down the coast-its quite chilly this evening and the wind machines were howling in the vineyards this morning. I may have to turn on the heat for a little while tonight.

    bug, lol the Chinese restaurant thing with small fry. My DH and I did exactly the same thing-it was always Chinese if we took the kids out when they were young. For one thing my DS was a picky eater to the extreme and Chinese was about all he would eat. Viewing the décor, appetizers and tea rituals always kept them interested and well-behaved. Condolences re: Uncle Clyde. I particularly liked his Catholic/engineer line.

    Deanne-there you are ! clearly, you have a lot going on right well continue to speculate as to whether you have been swallowed alive by a man-eating coleus..perhaps you should take a flat or two to each of your seminars as door prizes or can you not bear to part with any of your fledglings ?

    Drema, the open house went pretty good for the day before Easter I think..I have one both days this upcoming weekend. At least I will only have to do touch up cleaning since I went to extremes last weekend and the house is still remarkably clean . And I completely sympathize with your home improvement plights. Removing wallpaper is hell. And if there are too many projects one can easily become galvanized into inertia. That has happened to me more than once in the last few months. Charlie looks very festive in his Easter garb !

    PM, yes indeed, those are blossoms, what I refer to as Lady Banks Potty ..that pic of Ted was taken late last spring. See below for the pic taken just previous. The succulents are actually a sempervivium of some sort, but I can see why youd have guessed it to be a sedum. I should post some pics of my succulents. Unfortunately, my last years fantasy baseball team was pretty close to what your neighbor tried to do by design. What an awful year I had !

    CynthiaI too tote a recip saw for tree trimming, but have never pulled it on a door to door dude ! Capitol idea I must say.

    I need to go whip up a Mexican salad for a pot-luck at work tomorrowbig hello to everyone !

    Kathy in Napa

    Ted, the pre-quel


  • 16 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Norma checking in here. Our property sits high so no flooding here, but the river runs next to the road on the way to town which causes minor inconvience. Had to backtrack and take the long way around. We are having more rain today with some small hail mixed in. After the last few years of drought we certainly can use it. I am truly sorry for the people the floods have affected though.

    Eden, I'm sorry to hear your moms news was not good. She sounds like a special lady. Her quilt raffle is really going well.

    Rebel the dog and Jasmine the cat live here.
    I've read a lot of things and looked at some great photos, pets , family and everything else. some good news and some bad. I would like to respond to all, but I'm fading fast here. I have been working hard on clearing out an acummulation of stuff and cleaning and painting in the basement. I have barely poked my head out in the garden but have seen my first hellebore in bloom. Some Iris reticule (sp?) crocus, the daffs are starting and I am itching to get out there but I'm still not finished downstairs. We will be gearing up for another grandaughters wedding soon too (April 12th) with out of town company coming in. So my down time is limited. I'm just not good at multi-tasking.
    I did want to check in though and say hi to all and may you all be blessed in your endevors.

  • 16 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Norma, it is wonderful to read about the flowers coming in your garden. Don't hesitate to get out there and enjoy them. I'd love to see a flower these days! Basements are terrible places to tidy up! I know from experience. A never ending job there.
    Another wedding soon too! Sounds like a fun spring event. Do you have company staying at your place then? Remember, company is like fish...the longer they stay the more they stink!LOL

    Kathy, good luck with the house this weekend! I always reminded myself "It only takes one person...!"

  • 16 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Everything is white this morning. Yuck! Although, so far its only an inch.

    I got a call yesterday afternoon that my mom is in the hospital with heart issues. The heart doctor will see her today.

    Kathy, just be glad you arent trying to sell your house with a 3 year old under foot like my DD is trying to.

    That little stinker Reed is way too little to be upright!

    "6-8 waves breaking" I think I could watch that all day. I remember spending a whole afternoon at Point Betsie lighthouse in Michigan watching the waves break, it was mesmerizing for a landlocked gal.

    Norma and Marian, Im glad to hear that you are unaffected except minor inconveniences by the flooding. Some of the pictures on TV are horrible.

    We have a small chain saw for branches, so far Ive let DH handle that job. Cynthia, watch out, things like that will give you the reputation of "that crazy saw wielding, gardening lady in the white house" LOL

    This Idyll should probably slow down if it wants to see signs of spring before its ending post.


  • 16 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    No snow here yet. They've knocked it down to an inch now. We have a few small mounds left in shaded areas but it's almost gone. I can't wait for it to get warm and dry enough to do some cleanup!

    Last night I was very grateful to have a Harold And The Purple Crayon dvd babysit Bella while I had my hands full mixing together a meatloaf for dinner. There are those times when monitored TV makes an excellent sitter IMO. Our cable is a bundled package including phone, tv, and internet. Just the savings on our long distance phone service has made it worth having and I'd never want to go back to dial up for the internet. The cable tv I could take or leave. Nice to have choices of something worthwhile to watch though if the mood strikes.

    Drema, what a cutey Charlie is in his little bunny costume. I was struck by how young his parents look. I see pictures of Brad and I when our kids were babies and we looked like that too. Funny I didn't feel that young at the time. Jen looks happy and healthy. Have fun with the baby shower!

    Marie, hard to believe that Reed's already standing. Is he walking too? Megan and David were walking by 10 months, Jen and Bella not until closer to their first birthdays. It seems to me babies walk earlier if there are older siblings walking about. Reed's little legs are so cute in the picture you shared too!

    Deanne, I was wondering where you were but then thought you must aready be away. You are one busy and productive girl these days.

    Michelle, sorry to hear about your mom. I hope it's nothing too serious. Good thoughts and prayers for her.

    Norma, glad you're dry there. The basement here is a never ending job of straightening and putting away. I tend to put things down there and then have to stop and organize when they start piling up.

    Cynthia, funny story! Good way to keep those salespersons away too! I carry a folding pruning saw and a garden knife with me when I'm out working. My kids always kid me about being well armed.

    I've been straightening, putting away and vacuuming today. Also have bread baking. I made a yummy tollhouse pie yesterday too.

    Looks like the weather may warm up a little next week. Hope so! Have a good afternoon.


  • 16 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago


  • 16 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Well now they've revised our snowfall for overnight to 4-6 inches. It's snowing now. It's 36F now, supposed to go down to 25F tonight. So Michelle, I'd have to answer that nope, not spring here yet. I like your kitty though:)


  • 16 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Now Eden... you promised us it was now spring. I just caught the weather forecast for tomorrow (you'll appreciate this) they're sqeaking about 6-9" of snow. I have minimal confidence in their ability to predict anything since they've completely blown the last "storms", at least for my area.

    Cynthia's story of the saw and the salesman cracked me up. I also like the image of a "well armed" Eden. lol. As for concrete siding, however... my brother used it on his garage. I have a very discerning eye and it was a good enough "fake" to fool me! It looks sensational and there is NO maintenance.

    So... will I go to work tomorrow or will I stay home and continue to pickle?

  • 16 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Michelle, hope your mom's heart problem turns out to be nothing serious.

    Chelone come on over anytime! We are pretty laid back around here, and the wallpaper project was a whim. It started peeling itself, so I thought it would be an easy job. Didn't happen that way. I think just the edges are loose:) Every time I pulled on a piece it ripped. I bought a paper tiger, but it doesn't seem to be doing such a great job. This is vinyl, so it is a bear to remove. But, I need to update, it is ten years old. Skip doesn't like for me to start new projects, but it is definitely time.

    Eden, the kids are young to me, but they want a lot of babies, so wanted to get an early start. I am having so much fun with Charlie. Did I tell you he fired me as his baby sitter? Separation anxiety. Anyway, now his mom has to take him to work. Hopefully he will grow out of it. She is lucky she can do that, but she works in daycare, and doesn't want him to be around all of the germs. If you are getting snow, that means I must be too. Enough already....We got 18 inches the last big storm. Yuck. I am so done with the dreary weather.

    Woody, hope your computer gets up and running quickly.
    Bug, your little guy is adorable. Love the pants. Can't wait till mine are toddling along around here.

    Norma, how many grandchildren do you have? And what are their ages?

    Kathy, good luck on the house!

    I am wrapping up things for Jen's shower Sat, got the flowers today, Mary and Charlie hung out with me today. Devin was over here too because he is on spring break. Fido's foot is amazingly better, he got a shot in the flank and antibiotics to take. I also got some medicine for my dog Maggie's ear. Seems to have an infection. I really like my vet. If you take in two dogs at a time, he doesn't charge double office visits, just 1 and 1/2. I have been going to him for over 35 years. That is hard to believe.

    Well, have to go finish taking this online class... TTYL

  • 16 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Michelle, Did the Dr. have any answers for your mom today? I know it usually takes a while to find things out. I hope she will be ok. Kenzie looks so excited in her egg coloring picture. To bad the egg hunt couldn't be outside.

    Sorry to hear so many are getting more snow. We had rain again today, but on easter we had about six different kinds of snow. It was wierd, every thing from silver dollar sized flakes to powdered sugar fine and blowing sideways.

    Bug, yes we will have company staying here. Our two grandaughters from Florida and one male friend. I just said to DH today that we should have all the grandkids together for the first time since Wyatt was a baby. I must remember to get a picture.
    Reed is just going gangbusters. He clearly enjoys life.

    Drema we have six grandkids. Four girls and two boys. Ages 25, 21, 19, 18, 14, and 5. The 21 year old is the one getting married. We were going in to St.Louis today and decided to drive by the apartment complex they are moving into. It just so happened that Danielle was pulling in with her other grandmother to see the apartment, so we got a tour too. They are brand new and and very nice. A two bedroom with a small balcony over looking some trees and a small stream. I think our son is going to have a harder time seeing this one leave the nest than he did the younger one that got married in Oct. They will soon be empty nesters.
    Charlies family looks like a happy one, and Jen looks good too. I too enjoyed Dev coloring the eggs.
    I always thought I would get so much more done when I wasn't working anymore too. I think it is to easy to put things off because you think you have plenty of time to do them.

    LOL about the well armed gardners.

    Eden, I am on a kick that if it has'nt been used in the last three years and doesn't have a real purpose it is out of here. I told DH if its not something useful, don't bring it home. He thinks we should keep everything because it is sentimental. I think who is going to want this stuff when I am gone. There are exceptions of course. I just am tired of pushing things around when I clean.
    By the way, congratulations to Jenny and Randy. I think this generation of newly weds have a rougher way to go than the last one. But I guess they will find their way like we all did. Danielle is doing something with wedding pictures at the reception and requested one of us. All we had were some snapshots taken at the preachers house where we got married. They were in bad shape too, but I managed to touch them up and reprint them. I lol at how young we looked too. We were only 17 and 18 at the time.
    Well geeze I'm up late tonite. I'm a little wound up I guess, but I better get to bed I have lots to do tomorrow.


  • 16 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Quick good morning to all!!!! I've got to hit the shower and get out the door to get to my seminar on time. So what is with this 6" - 9" of snow? Good grief! I've got to head to Mont Vernon (and it is a 'Mont') where they always get twice the snow as we do here because of the elevation. I surely hope my students can all make it OK.

    So this morning his nibs, his Highness Rahjii, got himself locked in my clothes closet upstairs. When I was having my breakfast I kept hearing some noise and thought I might have a squirrel in the attic or something. Anyway the noise got louder and worse and I finally heard a distant meowing, whent on search and found the 'PITA' cat closed in my closet, I didn't even know he'd followed me in there and he completely ripped the carpet out of the doorway so I couldn't even open the door. GRRRRRrrrrr..... He's been skulking about and not his normal bouncy self so he probably knows I'm not happy with him at the moment.

    Kathy, best of luck with the house. I've been thinking of you and know you'll be happy and relieved when you've sold and that chapter is closed. ~~ LOL about coleus door prizes. I couldnt' stand to give them away to people who probably wouldn't take care of my 'babies'.

    Michelle, sorry to hear about your Mom. HOpe all is well.

    Eden, thinking of you and your family as well.

    Drema, love the pics of Jen! Great to hear from you!

    NOrma, have a great time with those grandchildren.

    Cynthia, loved the saw story. Too funny, I'm getting some thoughts as to what to show up with in hand when opening the door to someone I don't want there. LOL

    Waving hello to all.... I"m out of time... Have a great day!


  • 16 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Dull and white out my window, but at least it isn't deep! Phoebe went out for a quick walk and now is napping again already.

    Eden, Reed's favorite thing is walking, but he needs a finger to hold in order to keep his balance. He's so proud to walk! He only began crawling last week but pretty much abandoned that.

    I smiled at the talk of young looking newlyweds. I'm at the stage where everybody looks young to me: my doctor and dentist, anyone driving a car looks about 13, university students and yes, brides and grooms. So then the talk of our own wedding pictures looking like youngsters was fun too. In our case we didn't feel too young at the time, but in retrospect, we were in some ways. (25 &27. DD was 30 and DSIL 39...and that seems so right for them) We should do a thread of our wedding photos! The styles of dresses and hairdos would no doubt make us laugh now.

    Norma, I am getting more and more like my Mom who adored things simple and neat in her surroundings. She loved the Japanese look. She achieved it by relentlessly throwing things out. This was no small thing with a packrat husband. I get great satisfaction eliminating stuff from our home. Sort of like garden cleanup!

    Wondering what Chelone decided. Is she at work today or in a pickle? I'll guess she's off early to annoy her boss. ;)

    Voice lesson for DH he's practicing in the shower now... OYYYYYYYYYY


  • 16 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    No snow here, but cold enough! We went from the mid 70s yesterday to the upper 30s this morning. We did have another nice rain ( not a deluge).
    I worked out in the yard yesterday, and on our driveway some more. My poor back is really 'bum' this morning. :-(
    Our yard is getting prettier everyday. The grass is still not greening up very much, but lots of 'stuff' is blooming, including the serviceberries. Amongst the blooming items is: Forsythia, Quince, Spirea, red maples, clove currant,Cornelean Cherry,Daffodils, Hyacinths, Anemone blanda, Confederate Violets, Chionodoxes,Vinca minor ( the deer ate off all of the foliage so the blooms really show up! ),and there were a very few Iris reticulata but they didn't last long. I think that is all for now...:-)

    LOL, V...I just now noticed your " Signs of Marian" title.

    Although I am too overwhelmed to attempt commenting on all that has transpired on the last 2 threads, I have read them all ( rather briefly), and enjoyed the pictures ( espacially the "biped" LOL ).

    My pain med is apparently causing an allergy! I have been itching all over since yesterday afternoon. Since I need the relief from the pain, I bravely( or stupidly) took another this morning! This is the Tramadol. It has done this before, but rarely... I don't have a rash, and no difficulty breathing, so I took a 24 hour antihistimine, and will tough it out. I am thinking it may be a combination of what I ate along with the pill??? I ate fish....

    My word...the fog just moved in and almost obscured everything!


  • 16 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    My mom has been released. The tests show it wasnt her heart. Although, she needs to get her cholesterol down. Thanks for the concern.

    Norma, enjoy the weekend and the wedding. Ricks son and wife had a table of wedding pictures of the parents and grandparents that people could look at as they waited for punch and the guest book. Its a fun idea.

    Deanne, Im please to say that the one fuchsia that I have under lights looks fabulous and actually has a bud. Funny but the other great looking plant is a rex begonia. Obviously they dont mind my letting them dry out between waterings.

    Im thinking I should take cuttings and get them started.

    bug, the wedding pictures would be as much fun as the Christmas pictures were.

    Kenzie is spending the night with us so her parents can have an evening out for DSIL birthday.


  • 16 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Silly people, I bagged it! As a friend once said to me, when we are lying on our deathbed do you really think we'll be wishing we'd more?!

    I pickled from 7:30-10:30, at which point the power went out (downed line). I came in, had a little snack, lit a fire in the stove, and read for a bit. The juice is back on now and I'm heading back out to the Salon shortly to get some more work done. I have some pictures and I'll try to get some up for your persusal. The snow has basically stopped and it's beginning to drop off the branches of trees and shrubs. It's wet and will be gone a in few days, very pretty though. I wonder if this will be the last snowfall before spring finally springs? We have 5-6".

    Fun to read how things are changing at your homes. More later.

  • 16 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Hello from gray and dreary country... :-)

    No time, but I ran across something on NPR I thought Gardenbug might like to see...

  • 16 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Did nothing in terms of the house here...but took Phoebe for a drive to town where we walked in a park next to the river and met a few doggies. Phoebe wanted to play, but the old guys were not at all interested. Maybe next time. So where did she do her business after all that walking and excitement? In the car. My fault I guess. Sigh. So in Chelone's words with a twist, "I bagged it!"

    It is above zero and sunny. Still freezes each night which is great as it keeps flooding away. I've not seen a single green thing yet though. :(

    Hope the itches are gradually vanishing Marian. I have a friend who gets that from early gardening. She can't really detect the plants that affect her before they surface a little more. She has to stay away from "donkey tail" spurge and other spurges, and any form of primula. Of course poison ivy too. That can be really nasty even before it leafs out.

    We often have the same experiences with our felines as Deanne did this morning with Rahji. They get shut in a closet or the bathroom at bedtime, and just as I'm finally nodding off, I hear scratching and meowing and have to get up for search & rescue duty.

    Off to see what to do about Skyler's 9th birthday now.

  • 16 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    My lawn is covered with Robins. It's been spring here for weeks and daffs and hellebores and forsythia in full scream.

    Someone needs to remind Sue what day it is.

  • 16 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    I think Sue is working in her dungeon....

    PM2, thanks so much for the article! DS must have seen this, but I have not until now. DH gave a talk by phone to many of the volunteers on Sunday. It can be discouraging work with many roadblocks, but it can also be very exciting. I must say, I certainly had a hard time working with the model we had. I'm no child though!

  • 16 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Yes where is our TGIF girl? It's not Friday without her:(

    We got 4" of snow, much of it's melted and there are rumors of a warm up next week. We'll see.

    Michelle, so glad to hear the good news about your mom!

    I walked into the livingroom to this scene a little while ago so grabbed the camera and snapped a picture of Bella reading to her babies.



  • 16 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Bella, thats the perfect thing to do on a snowy day. I'm sure your babies enjoyed the stories.

    Ms Norma

    P.S. I bet Bud was nearby too.

  • 16 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    I'd love to join Bella and her books 'n' babes.

    We had snow all day yesterday but not much accumulation. I had to go to a dinner meeting last night, and about halfway to the restaurant, I hit near white-out conditions. It was a little unsettling when I could see flashing lights behind me but couldn't tell where they were going. I was hoping if they were headed past me, they would see me at the side of the road. But they turned on the crossroads I had just passed, and I saw in today's paper that the road was closed for almost an hour because of the accident. Fortunately, the rest of the evening was much less eventful.

    My SIL (the blonde one for those of you who met both of them), her DH and another couple drove to Washington, DC in the other couple's older minivan this week to visit their sons. Early this morning the minivan was stolen. Bummer! Funny thing is, it is an old minivan - not a beater, but sure nothing special. Probably stolen for parts.

    I'm speaking at a conference tomorrow, just a teeny stretch from what I usually do. The good news is that it is about two hours west, so if I flop, I never have to see those folks again [g]. But I'm trying to expand this part of my repertoire a little more, and there's some potential good exposure if the "name" speaker of the day hangs around after his opening remarks. I laughed at myself yesterday when The American Gardener magazine arrived - there was an interview
    with Ketzel Levine of NPR fame and I thought, "I want to be her when I grow up!"

    It has seemed like a quiet week around the house with no kids here.


  • 16 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    I'm going to get my taxes done before it's light out.

    For fun, go to google this morning :) I thought I was having another monitor problem!

  • 16 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    LOL...cynthia! What are you doing up at this hour doing taxes of all things!? I do understand, when you have something weighing on your mind, it's just as well to just get up and take care of it if you can. Good luck with it, hope it is painless. :-)

    I fell asleep at 8:30pm last night and then wide awake @ 3:30am. *sigh* Not the way to start the weekend off. Cranky and bleary eyed already.

    It rained here yesterday. Saw a few snowflakes but nothing on the ground really. I was able to prune a couple of bushes here and there during the week. I need to get to moving shrubs but with daughter's shoulder injury, husband's bad back, son soon to be working two jobs, looks like I am going to be trying to hire out. I am dragging my feet about getting around to doing that for some reason.

    Boy, I've already had to correct my spelling four times already. I think I am going to go try to watch a movie and see if I can get sleepy...

    I do have a new National Geographic Wallpaper...


    A prothonotary warbler adds a splash of gold to a tableau of cherry blossoms along the Tidal Basin in Washington, D.C. The famed cherry trees were given to the U.S. capital city by Japan in 1912. More than 3,000 treesand 12 different varietiesmade the oversea journey from Yokohama to the District of Columbia.

    Photograph by Raymond K. Gehman

    Aren't the color echoes in the photo pretty?

    It's supposed to warm up here next week. I saw my first crocus opening up yesterday and will try to get some photos to post later today...


  • 16 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    I wanted to get some pictures up for you guys this morning. I, too, have a busy day planned; a good deal of it requiring the use of a paintbrush.

    Yesterday morning:

    Mopboard before and after pickling:

    Here is a copy of what I want to use as a stencil taped in place. I want the repeat to include one more of the motif you see on the left. The mopboard will be 5 1/2-6" high and pickled, as well:

    Good luck with the taxes, Cynthia, Bella knows how to enjoy the snow! good that club-footed kitty is on the mend, hi to everyone else. Off to get some laundry in the machine and and get the second coat of pickling on the remaining two double hung windows.

  • 16 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    I am so envious of your witchhazel Chelone! I have never had one do more than barely survive. It is the perfect plant for me...except for our winter conditions.

    Your stencil is very beautiful. The room will have quite the lacy effect with the white. Lacy pickles?? Naaaw.

    Bella, who wouldn't want to be parked on the cushions along with you?! Quite the princess.

    Phoebe is walked and snoozing already. I am in a daze, having been startled suddenly into waking mode.

    Haircut this morning, French Club in another town tonight. We will have lights out and make use of 'des bougies' instead. (candles) Anyone remember the candle scene in the book or film of the English Patient? Something has made me recall that scene in my dreamy morning state.

    Stuff to be done. Enjoy your weekend! TGIS!

  • 16 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    All done! I'll review and file tomorrow morning. TurboTax really makes it easier and every year they improve the application. I noticed there's up to a 2K tax credit for solar water heating installations. Wonder if V has one of those yet. I hadn't really paid attention to the Economic Stimulus Package, so wasn't too disappointed when a pop-up said 'sorry sister, no May bonus for you.' Something like that. I would have been happy to help :(

    Chelone, that stencil is wonderful. Love it. If you want to practice at my house....? Witch hazel in snow is beautiful photo, but I'll take the spring blooms I have here without that fluffy dressing thank you. It was chilly this morning, low 30s and I had to grab gloves. Yesterday was 60F, and I played outside a bit in the evening.

    I don't think Bella has enough books there. Looks like about 4 per doll. I'd be curled up with her, that settee looks comfy and really like the fabric.

    Deanne's closet is the size of normal bedroom if I recall correctly. Just put a litter pan and water dish in there for next time.

    I'm in middle of my annual spring Lands' End order. Which is when I stock up on winter things, and order a bunch of their tank tops for summer. (3 white ones Chelone and a few black/navy...) But! Want to tell you they have are having a tank and t-shirt sale. The tank tops are $7 each if you buy three, and similar deal for Ts. The quality and fit is great, I only buy new each year because the old ones are worn so much they end up stained from garden duty.

    Thanks for the 'TGIS' GB. Phoebe is growing so fast, we really need new pictures to keep up....

    Hi to all, enjoy your Saturday. And PM, what were you doing up at that hour? I get up early every day, but especially don't want to waste my days off, and easier to do indoor things when it's still dark out. My rule is that if I wake up before 3AM I go back to sleep, after 3AM, I stay up.


  • 16 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Hi all.

    I've been busy in the office. That's all I want to say about it. Worker's comp audit next week, but I have my ducks in a row.

    Eden, sorry to hear about your mother's health news. I hope Spring will bring a renewed strength in her.

    Michelle, glad your mom did not have heart issues. Hope she is feeling better.

    Chelone, that color sure cheers up the landscape outside! I can't wait to see the stenciling! I never did tell you that I voted for pickle - MIL had it in the guest bedroom in Maine.

    I went to Deanne's last week and was the proud recipient of some of her "babies." I hope I can care for them half as well as she does. I crowded them all under the little light that I have and am setting up my lights/shelves today.

    Good to see Drema - Charlie sure is a cutie in that outfit! Jen looks fabulous! May seems like a good birthday to me :) Wallpaper is always half on/off the walls around here :)

    Martie, I am starting some seeds too....hope my set up looks as good as yours.

    Hope you're feeling better Marian - a rash is no fun.

    Cynthia, I am with you on Turbo Tax! I love it! I always feel like I did a good job and did it correctly when I am done! Lands End gets a look from me every time you mention them. I have to say that I actually like my bathing suits that I bought from them this year! Usually a suit is a miserable tugging, pulling experience that I can't wait to get out of.....

    Well, enough of this break....time to go.


  • 16 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    'bug I do remember that candle scene in the English Patient, very much so. Anthony Minghella passed away too young (54) a few weeks back. Overheard conversation in an upscale nursery yesterday: "Do you have any candles that won't melt in the sun?" The expression on the salesperson's face could best be described as stupefied. She quickly recovered tho and suggested surrounding them in ice chips. Another, less famous, Hollywood screenwriter passed away this week. My brother notified me by email having read the NYT obit, a screenwriter named Abby Mann who wrote Judgment at Nuremberg. I worked for Mr. Mann for about a year, get this, taking screenplay dictation by shorthand in his home off Sunset Blvd. One girl would go in for dictation then leave to type up those notes while another girl cycled in to take dictation, etc. Sometimes there were 3 of us, all of us paid by the studio as part of project development. It was one of my more bizarre jobs, to say the least. Maybe now I can write that expose (kidding!!) He was good friends with Tony Bennett, so my one celebrity encounter was over the phone with Mr. Bennett, about five words.

    More on the movie front. The Nat'l Geo special on the ports had a preview screening to LA Harbor employees and, sad to say, most of Marty's footage ended up on the cutting room floor. I didn't attend but am told he is seen briefly, barking "Shanghai!" into a radio. It's supposed to air April 6 here so check your local listings if interested. (I was also told it's kinda bo-ring.)

    Good to hear your mom has been released, Michelle. The revival of your shed thread has been very enjoyable. Any special plans for it this year? There's a book coming out in April, I think called "Shed Style" which might be right up your alley.

    The pickling really "cools" off the orangey tones in the pine. I'm getting very Scandinavian vibes already. The stencil looks complicated, but I have no doubt Chelone's up to the task. Earlier in the week I dug into the cedar chest filled with fabric remnants, some over 20 years old, pulled out a few, grabbed a beloved shirt, pants, linen vest (probably 15 yrs old!) and took the lot to Nina, my fairy godmother seamstress. She made the first pair of pants for me about a half year ago, when there was nothing to be found in shops except those hig huggers, even for business wear, so I brought an old pair of pants I liked to her, the high-waisted, pleated, baggy kind, with some fabric I'd saved. She sews from the samples you bring, without dismantling the sample. Not that I'm boycotting Chinese seamstresses but enough with the hip huggers already and clothes that fall apart after a couple months of use.

    Cynthia, you're a good shill for Land's End, lol. I do need some tank tops.

    Thurs' job started at 7 a.m. at a doc's office, so I found myself alone in a dark, quiet office bldg. Can't use stairs due to amount of stuff I carry, which today also includes a speaker phone in a box. Punch 4th fl on elevator, doors close...and nothing happens. Hit all buttons. Nothing happens. Very hot and stuffy. Hit alarm button. Still nothing. Become flooded with regret over leaving cell phone in car. Just about to hit the red/fire dept button when doors soundlessly open on 3rd floor. Woman enters and sees my face, laughs and says yeah, these elevators are silent and slow. I mention this all later to an atty, who tells me he has no problems with claustrophobia but don't ever get him near the edge of a tall bldg because he will jump. I tell him this happens to me too on the middle of the Golden Gate Bridge, which may not be entirely true but I didn't want him to feel alone in his phobia confession.

    That's problably enough rambling about nothing much from me. I'm going to make like Bella and find a place to lounge with stuff to read. Temps have cooled into high 60s/70s, which is perfect. Rain possibly on Wed, so they say, but won't be much. Weekend greetings to all, and PM, take a nap!

  • 16 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Happy Surprise!!!

    My sweet neighbor and friend Cecylia just came by for a visit with her new baby German Shepherd! It is only 10 weeks old and ADORABLE. It is afraid of Phoebe who already looks gigantic in comparison! Her name is Nora. (Their cat is Petunia) Phoebe is just so excited. We will try to visit almost daily until they get adjusted to each other and figure out good manners.