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Reminder of Winter

14 years ago

Noticed on the city g'ment channel tonight that

they are scheduling leaf pick-up across the town.

Wha? They do that mostly in the late fall, early winter.

Oh, yeah; now I remember---

they were going at it day after day,

trying to get most of it picked up by Christmas---

Well, then it snowed. And snowed. And snowed.

Hard to pick up leaves with 28" of

snow at a time on them...

A week and a half ago I saw the last resolute

mound of snow, defiantly making a fool of itself.

I think somebody shot it one evening, because

it was gone the next day....

I've dragged about 16 10'X12' tarp-loads of leaves since yesterday evening up to the vague area between DSIL's place and the garden. It looks like a Civil War battlefield, with row after long row of leaf-works, instead of earthen-works. They'll stay there 'til the mower and leaf-vac are repaired and I can start shredding in between mowing---it could all stand a good mowing NOW...

Strange winter, beautiful spring----what I like, is the way the garden just goes on and does its' thing, no matter what the equipment story is. So, I rake and rake and the garden just says, could you scratch a little more to the left, please?

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