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New Vehicle

16 years ago

With the gas prices what they are and what they will likely be this summer I made the not too light decision to get a new vehicle today. No, I haven't given up the baby jeep yet, even though it is 13 years old and has 267,000 miles on it. Still need it and the 35 mpg it gets to get me to and from the 70 miles round trip that it is to get to work. No, I haven't given up my baby Ninja motorcycle that gets 70 mpg as I need it to get to and from the afore mentioned 70 miles round trip to work on those oh so pretty days that are late spring and early summer.

No, I bought a new vehicle just to get me around the small town that I have chosen to live in and it will serve me well getting me to and from what is the eight mile round trip it is down to the state park marina on the weekends and holidays. It has no gas mileage to speak of.

It is, of course, a brand spanking new 2008 Diamondback Wildwood Citi.

A new bicycle for me.

Rode it around the neighbourhood this afternoon after coming home from work. Still getting used to it, will make minor adjustments as needed. It's not the old racing bikes that I once rode, nothing so sparse. It's a a bike designed for comfort. That's not something I am used to, but can and will get used to mucho pronto.

It should suit me well in the coming days.

My excuse, iffin as I needed one, is I need it for the exercise, now that the body is insisting on my retiring from soccer. After all, bicycling is easier on the joints.

Cain't hardly wait for the electric conversion kit to come. Bought the bike local because I want the shop's service and good will. I can install the electric hub and controls myself, though. Paid more at the shop that what I would have paid on line, but in this case I don't mind. Saved more than enough ordering the electric motor kit online.

As I have said before, Ed and Bill have nothing on me....


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