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Reality TV

19 years ago

Mimi had a good idea, so I'm starting this thread on her behalf.

Reality TV isn't dead. The actors screwed themselves when SAG went on strike many years ago, and that helped spawn the reality TV saga because that's what producers decided to do with the lack of actors. You just film "real people" who don't have expectations from the industry about pay and everything else. SAG is no longer on strike, but the American people took to Reality TV so well, it's still a great equation for producers. For instance, shows like Wife Swap and Nanny 911--they pay a family 10K for the whole deal. The family signs off on reshow rights and whatnot, and the producers have no further negotiations, royalties to pay, or really any ties at all. Good deal for producers. Of course, the reality TV stars are known for being on that show, and not much more. They are associated with whatever dirty laundry they aired until the public forgets about them altogether.

Are we a reality TV show? I'll say no. Each of us has something interesting to share, but a show about orchid geeks would only appeal to other orchid geeks. Might work on HGTV, but that's it. I think audiences would get tired of watching me logging onto the forums three times a day pretty quickly. They'd have to create some other drama to keep the show exciting ... which brings me to my final point ...

Reality TV is not real. Families would not trade and accept wives on their own. "The Real World" is the only place where 5 strangers share a free appartment with a perpetually stocked bar. Let's face it: The Bachelor is a fantasy. And shows that follow households like The Newly Weds and The Osbornes is HOLLYWOOD reality. Even those families have suggestions from the producers on what to do for excitement.

There, I said it!

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