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How to treat for grubs/japanese beetle with no toxic poisons

10 years ago

I'm new to growing/maintaining lawn and while I am enjoying the process I am getting frustrated trying to work out all the problems and how to fix them
We have 2 dogs and 2 small children and so I would prefer to maintain the lawn organically or at least with the safest least toxic products
I'm wondering if any body can advise how to treat for grubs/japanese beetle without putting down the really toxic stuff that wipes out everything including all the good worms etc (and if I did do this how long before kids/dogs could walk on the lawn?)
My understanding is that the grubs are going to start eating up the grass roots again come end July/beg August through September (we live in New England FYI) - and I would like to kill off the grubs before they kill off my grass again (happened in Spring this year - I got a lot of brown patches in June)
What can I apply that is not completely toxic? Any low grade grub killer out there (not that I could find via research)
I plan to start up a milky spore regime but need something to work during the 2 years I need to wait for that to work
Has anybody tried and had success with beneficial nematodes?
Thanks for any advice - I'm new to this but keen!!!

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