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Asian Pears and I are parting ways, and Pluots too :(

Well, I have concluded after eating some of my Asian Pears that I have developed a food allergy to them, and they need to find new homes. Even two bites make my digestion system feel like I have the flu, and just looking at them now makes my tummy hurt. Fortunately, all my trees are in pots, so I put them up for sale on Craigslist.

I also put my multi-graft Pluot tree on there, because after 4 years of trying, frankly my dear, I don't like Pluots (GASP, sacrilege!) I know, I know, everyone LOVES them, but to me all my plums taste SO much better (Emerald Drop, Coe's Golden, Sugar prune and Elephant Heart), and I'd rather spend the time and effort on another plum tree.

Carla in Sac

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