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The Emporer Has No Clothes

Sometime ago, John Stossel of ABC TCÂs "20/20 Give Me A Break", program had this interesting sketch.

Stossel lined up a whole bunch of paintings, some done by children, some done by monkeys and a few done by famous artists. He invited several artists and art critics to comment on the paints. Well, you probably can guess the end result. The funny part was to hear the embarrassed critics and artists trying to justify why they made the mistakes.

The emperor has no clothes.

The thread in the Food Forum is still going on.

In many ways it proofs my point that freedom of speech is important, productive, and constructive, even the comments may be destructive.

The ones who think the work done by many here is "kitsch" should know better that the same Quiche could taste different to different people.

None of the folks at the Food Forum claims to be the worldÂs best chef, and none of the folks here claims to be Picasso, but letÂs see some of the works Picasso had done:









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