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Valley Sweet peach: Huge, delicious with issues

The best peach I ate while living in CA was a Valley Sweet, love at first taste. It's taken 7 years in the greenhouse but I finally ate another just as good. The fruit runs 3.3 to 3.7 inches, a huge fruit. And this on a tree where the Arctic Queens were falling off about 5 weeks ago because the water deficit was a little too deep. I'd say the tree has been running a deficit for 90 days or more.

The brix on the fruit I just ate was 23.6. But it's the flavor that wins my vote, very rich. If I were blindfolded I'd probably call it a nectarine.

But it does have issues for the first time. Cracking of the skin around the stem has allowed mold in around the seed on the fruit picked prior to today. Maybe all that water deficit is involved.

All in all 7 yrs of persistence paid off with one delicious fruit.


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