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ornamental Corinthian peach fruiting

16 years ago

My first Corinthian 'Pink' peach tree I planted in Spring of '07 did not produce any larger than peanut sized fruits which dropped from the tree and quickly became unnoticable.

Is this normal and the type of insignificant fruiting which should be expected from ornamental Corinthian peach trees?

If so what could be causing the tree to produce significantly larger fruit this year?

Early last winter after a few consecutive days of freezing rain occured and signifacant ice accumulated in the canopy, the tree became uprooted on one side and fell over, pulling one entire side of the root ball out of the ground. It took a couple days for the ice to melt enough after the freezing rain event, then I lift the tree. After that it seemed to recover nicely, but I did have to stake it so the tree is able re-establish enough roots on the side which had been ripped from the soil when the tree fell.

The tree bloomed fully this spring and except for a small amount of leaf curl infecting the lower branch leaves, which I quickly removed; now the tree looks to have fully recovered.

Only surpirse was when I saw the tree had produced lots of marble sized green fruit. I pulled most of those off, but the ones I left are now still hard, but close to the size of a golf ball, and they have now turned a dark peach color even though they have not yet become soft.

This fruit seems too large for an ornamental tree to be producing. I would have thought the cause for this unually large fruit was due to the tree's proliferation need reaction like lots of trees do when they experinece enough stress for them to produce more seeds than normal.

Now though. I am not so certain that it was caused by the stress that the tree suffered over the winter. I say that, because back in late April or very early May, I planted 3 more of these trees in a grouping on the other side the house on that lot. All of these newly planted ones also have produced the same size of unusually large fruit compared to what is expected to be seen on an ornamental tree.

Is this larger fruit normal? We did receive almost 10 inches more than normal rainfall this year so far. But the soil where all four of these trees are planted is very well draining, so their roots should not have expereince too much moisture.

Still could the extra rain be the factor for the larger fruit, or is it more likly an indicator that, like the first ornamental peach I plant in 07, the ornamental peach trees I planted this Spring had also been stressed before I ever purchased them, and are now simply reacting the same way my '07 planted tree is reacting.

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