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11 years ago

When I first 'adopted' a Papaya, 2010, I had many questions about its care.

I went to the Citrus Forum, but most only knew about Citrus. Someone suggested I try Fruit Tree 'think that's the name,' Forum.

Off I went to Fruit Trees w/questions. Everyone was polite, but like those in the Citrus Forum couldn't answer questions regarding growing Papaya in a container.

I then took matters in my own hands. Googled and Bing'd information, and was very very happy with the results until yesterday, June 3, 2012.

Papaya... 2010




Unfortunately, I didn't take any recent pics, but Papaya over-wintered well, the trunk was thickening, and leaves fairly compact.

Since the weather's warmed up, I started bringing plants outside, 'few at a time.'

On June 1st, out went my Papaya and Musa Ruby Siam. Because both are in tree pots, they tend to tip; windy days are awful, even w/pots lodged between other potted plants.

Anyway, yesterday I stepped outside. Both Papaya and Musa were lying upsidedown, worse, I didn't realize the damage until lifting them.

The Banana's top broke in half, but pups sprouted, so I'm hoping they'll grow as tall and healthy as mom, 'was.'

The Papaya is a different story; it hasn't any pups. The top, a 7-9" cracked and broke off. In fact, the top was lying a couple feet away from mom.

The top of the trunk, 'mom' looks terrible. Jagged points. In other words the top looks like a saw.

What should be done to save my Papaya? Should I cut the top of the trunk so it's straight or let be?

Also, can the top portion be rooted? If so, how?

I really want to save my Papaya. Please, if anyone has answers, let me know what should be done. Thanks, Toni

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