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Greenhouse potted sweet cherries: key to success

It took 7 years but I finally have a good crop of sweet cherries in the greenhouse. This after $$$$ trying and failing outdoors. More importantly I think I've figured out what the problem has been in the greenhouse and it pertains to some other fruit crops as well.

The greenhouse in this climate is so efficient that I can achieve needed chilling in 45 days any time from Nov 1 thru February. Well this leaves 10.5 months of warm days if desired, so why not use all that warm season, right? Turns out, I think, that some fruits chief amongst them sweet cherries can't hold fruit buds in good condition with that long a summer. So I've been getting flower bud abortion and abnormal flowers on cherry, apricot, and pluot. On cherries it was bad enough some years that set was near zero. On apricot and pluot up to 75% abortion of flower buds in spring.

My plan going forward: chill for 3 months even though that will be twice what's needed and cut the summer down to 9 months.

A Bing and Rainier tree on Giesla 5.


Closeup of Rainier.


I'll have a variety report in about one month.

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