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Pachira (Money Tree) Prune and Growth Progress


I got a Money Tree a little over a year ago. It was doing well at first and then I repotted it into a bigger container resulting in me watering it too much (before I knew better). Leaves began to yellow and fall off, so I was left with tall green trunks with no leaves. Well, I started to take better care of it and read up on its watering needs. It grew more leaves but was still bare from where it had lost leaves before, this gave it an odd uneven look, in my opinion. So I decided to prune. Its still very bare but I think that this was better for it in the long run and the plant will become more full and will have a better growth pattern than before. More robust as opposed to lanky and tall.

Here is a before photo: As you can see, there are small lower leaves, nothing in the middle (where the leaves died off) and then big leaves at the top. I didn't like the bare middle so I decided to trim for a fuller look...also the new growth at the top was too big for the lower leaves to receive sunlight so the trunks ans leaves remained small.


This photo was taken after the prune. There is already new growth on the trunks, its the small green nodes on the sides by my fingers.


Here is its on the 15th of this month. Still a very bare but loads of new growth! The branches lower than where I pruned are very thin (lack of sunlight), which makes me wish I had pruned all the way down to where the braid ends. Should I trim these back even though they have new leaves sprouting from the tip? I was afraid to trim them when I had pruned the larger trunks because I didn't want to shock the plant too much, also I didn't know if anything would sprout from the larger trunks after the prune.


I transplanted it into a slightly smaller pot, I think there was too much space for the soil to stay wet. The reason I say this is because I didn't have problems with my plant until I repotted it into the blue pot you see in the first 2 photos.


From the looks of it, and thinking far into the future, I think this plant will look great even though I didn't trim very far down. In my opinion, once the trunks thicken the tree will have a very full look. What do you think? Should I prune it more?



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